How to help birds in winter

How to help birds in winter

As nice, opening the window in the morning, let the room in the room not only the noise of passing cars, but also a multi-haired Gomon birds. But to rejoice at the chirping of the Pernavdan neighbors every day, you need to take care of them in the winter cold.

More and more birds, due to warm winter, do not fly away to wintering. In urban parks and squares, Rubbinniki will be tremendous, Chii, shcheglas, long-tailed cinemas, yurt crawls and fluffy bright lumps - bullfinches. And the sparrows, daws, pigeons generally move to us under the windows. From morning to evening, birds are looking for food, so as not to frozen in the cold nights. But it happens that without the help of a person they can not do.

Help the birds in winter - hang feeders

The second half of the winter is the most hungry for wintering birds: the seeds of trees and shrubs are eaten by the clearer, rowan berries, hawthorn, Barbaris crumbled and lined with snow. After daytime thaw and frosty night, the snowing snow turns into a solid, hard. From under it it is impossible to get the food weak bird paws and subtle cruveurs. Start feeding birds, and you will help them survive in a hard winter time.

Birdhouse - Reliable protection against winter cold

Birdhouse - temporary housing for wild birds, which in nature nest in voupes. Such a house can be done by himself, attracting children to the process, or acquire in any store "Nature". Birds in this house-booth will be reliably protected from frost, blizzards, winds. The birdhouse is fastened with the help of a pole to the tree, under a slight bias, with a hole-inlet to the southern or south-eastern side.


Food feeder - Fast assistance to the hilarious birds

Bird feeders are a place to feed feathered neighbors. Quickly made of a plastic bottle. In the tank, ride the hole and hang the bottle of the handle on a tree or bush.

Comfortable turning faces of two bottles, different diameters. Take a smaller bottle as a basis, cut down the bottom, turn over. From a large bottle, cut the bottomhow - it turns out the cover of your feeder. Do not forget to attach a small tray under the trough, where the food will be crushed.

You can make a mini-eaterial of a dairy package, cutting windows in it, through which birds will fall inside. The upper part of the package glove with scotch and secure the loop from the rope. A simple bird of the dining room is ready, pour into it food and hang in the place of the accumulation of feathers.

Shoe boxes are suitable for making feeders, banks from under children's food, even last year's pumpkin will be useful.

Help the birds in winter - feed with palms

You want to help the birds survive winter, but there is no possibility to make a trough? There are many ways to feed the feathers, would be hunting. Suspend a piece of fresh salales to the window or on a tree branch in the courtyard at home. Going for a walk, take with you seeds, cereals, bread to scatter a treat in the nearest square. Birds from afar will see a person who wants to help them. Perhaps over time, you can attend with their feast - they will not fly away with your approximation.

With palm

Help the birds in winter - choose the right feed

In winter, birds need food, which instantly saturates them, give strength, endurance. Well, if there are sunflower seeds in the feedushka, oats, millet, corn grains. Boiled potatoes, barley, beans, abandoned cookies, even pasta will appear to taste in the Winter Ptahm. But chips, salted or sweet nuts, chocolate candies are better not to give pernate assistants. Of course, they will be eaten, but the benefits will not bring and do not warm in Stuzh.

Hanging the feeders, take care so that the food does not translate them.


Make a good deed, support birds in winter. To do this, you need the smallest - a handful of seeds, a piece of bass or bread crumbs from your table. And with the arrival of spring, grateful birds will scatter build family happiness, collecting voracious pests and please us with snuby trills.

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