How to teach a wavy parrot to talk

How to teach a wavy parrot to talk

Wavy parrots are considered one of the most talkative feathers. They can twitter without silent, repeating with ease not only one word, but even whole phrases. What should I do if your favorite pet refuses to talk? We will have to work hard to talk molt. How to do it?

If you want your parrot to learn to speak - do not buy a pair. In a pair, rarely parrots speak. But if one of the partners already knew how to talk when you purchased the second, he will continue to do it, but not so actively. But the new one is unlikely to speak.

Start going from the smallest age as soon as you get a wavy parrot. Of course, there are cases when the ten-year old "old people" succumbed to training and began to chat, but it is rather a rarity than the rule.

Cut with a parrot as much time as possible so that it becomes manual. When the bird starts trusting you, see a friend in you, and not just the source of the feed, then the training will be easier and faster. However, the process of learning a conversation and taming is compatible. Start talking to the bird, standing at the cell. You will understand when he stops you afraid.

Contact the parrot affectionately by name. It is the name that they remember the faster. Also say short phrases that will be easy for it, for example: "Kesha good", "Kesha clever", "Kesha will eat?" etc. Do not start the conversation, if anything is offended, annoyed. Your little friend really feels your mood. Also watch the mood of your pet, behind his behavior. If the parrot is busy, cleans the feathers, tired and wants to sleep, or, on the contrary, it is too active - the lesson is better to postpone.

Success learning is personal contact and systematics. Pay a parrot 5-10 minutes daily, one or twice a day. Try to do it in silence so that neither you nor the feathery not distracted by outside sounds. Conduct training personally without the use of special technologies. Even better, if your little one will be so trusting you that it will be on the finger without any problems. Parrots love to listen to words that are pronounced very close to them. That is, if he sits on a finger or shoulder, he can be happy to lean to you closer.

Take a parrot at once to several phrases, and not just words. Not every word he will have to do, so let him choose options. Parrots love words in which there is a letter "P" and hissing. Repeat the phrase 10 times, not forgetting to praise your little friend. Think out the phrases you teach it. After all, after he delays them, you will listen to them very often.

If you want your pet to tell the phrase to a specific event, for example, called for dinner, then say it in his presence at the moment when you yourself are called households.

Regular classes, affectionate attitude can work wonders. And quite soon you will wake up the fact that your favorite parrot will happily shout his first words.

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