How to teach a dog to teams

How to teach a dog to teams

The dog in the house is joy for children and great responsibility and hassle for adults. After all, the four-legged pet should be educated, smart and obedient. Only so co-stay of the animal and man will deliver joy and positive mood. You can teach the dog to teams by giving it to Mashter for special courses, but really learn the pet and independently.

When you can start learning a dog to teams

The puppy gives up training to achieve 4-6 months. To do this, select a quiet secluded place in the park so that no one distracts you and the dog. Follow the favorite PSA and toys in advance. Before occupation, the animal does not feed. You will have to work daily for 15-20 minutes in the morning and in the evening, because the puppy gets tired in the same way as the child. Try not to scream and not nervous. Commands Serve loud, confident tone.

Teach a dog to the team "Near"

Without assimilation of this team, the normal walk you will not work. Take the dog on the leash at a distance of 30 cm from the collar and lead it near the left leg. When trying to break out ahead or aside, sharply wrap the leash on yourself, giving the team "next." If the dog does not listen, make a jerk more sharply. The dog goes as it should - praise it and give me a treat.

Teach a dog to the "Sit" team

To upbringing this skill, the method of pushing is used. Make the dog to take the right position using a leash jerk and pressing with your left hand on the cresses. Bend the right hand into the elbow, and put the palm before the puppy's face. Later it will be enough for this gesture.

Teach a dog to the team "Lying"

It is practiced only after learning the previous team. Take your favorite dog food and lower it down. Occups the "Lie" command. Watch that the pet makes the right position: the front paws in front, the body is not covered. After 10-15 seconds give him a treat.

Teach a dog team "Voice"

Look at what irritant your dog reacts with loud lare, and use it in training. Submit the command and show an unloved object. After sure to praise a shaggy pet.

Teach a dog team "Fu"

This signal warns the dog from making incorrect actions: attacks on a person or other animal, picking up food from the ground, etc. Strict voice tell me "Fu" and sharply jerk leash or rush to the dog with a leash.

Teach the dog to the team "Aport"

According to such a team, the dog will bring the abandoned thing. Especially this order is important for hunting and racing breeds of dogs. Put the puppy near the left leg and shave with a stick, a ball or other item. By the "Aport" signal, let your favorite grab the cast object. It should find a stick at a distance of 15 m.

This is the main list of general training teams that a raised dog should know. If desired, you can teach the PSA and other useful skills. The main thing is to establish contact with the pet, and then it will become an excellent defender and friend.

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