Lishe (Trikhophysu) is one of the most common diseases in dogs affecting the skin of the animal. The pathogens are deprived - pathogenic viruses and fungi whose disputes carry a threat not only to the health of the dog, but also for a person. Therefore, at the first signs of infection of a domestic pet deprive, you should immediately begin to treat it.
Basic signs deprived of a dog
After infection, the ringless deprived manifests itself not immediately, but only two weeks later, it is so much time occupies an incubation period of the disease. After its completion, deprived manifests itself quite bright, it is impossible not to notice:
- In the first stage of the disease on the skin of the animal, a minor rash appears. Basically in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head or on the tail. Over time, the rash grows up, increasing the area on the skin, redness appears. The dog becomes sluggish or restless, refuses to eat.
- For the second stage, the appearance of peeling spots on the skin and partial loss of hair follicle in the place of lesion is characteristic. The stains cause dryness and the strongest itching, the animal begins to be actively involved, sometimes combing wounds to blood.
- The third stage of the disease is the formation of crusts and baldness in the field of spots. In the launched shapes under the crust forces pus. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to proceed to the treatment for the treatment as soon as possible.
Causes and sources of dog infection deprive
The main reason for infection is deprived - contacting a dog with a sick animal. Sources of infection can be:
- infection through leases: bowls, brushes, rugs;
- infection through the environment: infected with fungus soil, grass;
- sick animal fur.
Provoking factors increasing the risk of an animal infection can be:
- a recently transferred viral infection, as a result of which its body is weakened;
- weak immunity;
- unbalanced diet;
- the age of the dog (most often susceptible to the disease of the dog older than 8 years or puppies);
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- the presence of cancer.
How to treat deprived of the dog: drug treatment
As soon as you suspect a dog deprive, you should immediately contact the veterinarian consultation, which will specify the diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.
Since lisha - infectious disease caused by fungus, antifungal drugs are prescribed for its treatment. These ointments include:
- Exoderil.
- Zoomikol.
- Dermatol.
- Yuglon.
- Fongin.
Before the outdoor application of the means, it is necessary to cut the wool around the focus of the lesion, rinse the skin area with warm water and treat iodine, and only then apply antifungal ointment.
It is very important to ensure that the animal does not lick ointment. It is recommended to apply a bandage dressing or use to prevent the drug to prevent the drug, a special collar.
Along with the external use of the antifungal drug, the veterinarian can assign and receive it inside, in the form of tablets (fluuchanazole or intrance), as well as immunomodulators to increase immunity, vitamins, probiotics. Effectively use for the treatment of disease therapeutic and prophylactic vaccine, such as "Microderm" or "Vakderm". With the launched form of the disease and for dogs of large breeds, special shampoos are applied by imatholol, lowland.
Dog content conditions with deprive at home: mode and hygiene
- Walk the animal only on the leash, away from the places where many dogs walks. Do not allow the patient's contact with other animals and people, especially with children and pregnant.
- If possible, select a separate room for a sick pet, such as a balcony. Carefully spend cleaning and disinfection in it.
- Disinfection of all household appliances, animal care products (bowls, leash, collar) are also needed.
- After contact with the sick pet, be sure to wash your hands.
How to treat deprived of the dog: folk remedies
Folk recipes can be applied as additional treatment:
- Apply fresh cranberry juice or viburnum juice on the affected areas.
- Calendula juice is a wonderful means in the fight with deprive. Wipe patients several times a day.
- Effective firing firing oil and vodka (1: 1). Water a cotton disk in this solution and apply to the infection spot for about 2 minutes.
- Fast healing of wounds promotes compressions with apple vinegar.
Prevention deprived of dogs
- It is recommended to conduct timely vaccination of the animal.
- Provide pets balanced nutrition and proper care.
- Limit the communication of a dog with stray animals during walks.
- After walking, be sure to wash your dog's paws using antiseptic tools, such as "cyteala".
Having found at the dog to deprive, it is not worth tightening with treatment, and take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible to install the diagnosis and the appointment of the correct treatment. Remember that deprive is dangerous not only to the health of your pet, but for the whole family!