How to teach a dog to give a paw

How to teach a dog to give a paw

With the appearance of a puppy at the house, the owner immediately appears a desire to teach him simple teams. Team dog "Give a paw!" - This is not just a fun trick. The owner needs to inspect the wounds on the paws of the animal, wash them after the walk and take the claws. And if the puppy does not give a paw, how to do it all? A pet is easily learned by this team, and the owner needs to be patient.

At what age a dog learn to give paw

The most suitable age of the puppy is four or five months. A capable puppy can give a foot and from a two-month age. But small puppies may not perceive the teams seriously and take everything for the game. The following rules will simplify the training procedure:

  • before learning this team, the dog must understand the "Sit!" command;
  • 3 hours before classes feed the PSA;
  • half an hour before the training session walked a pet;
  • getting learning if a puppy has a good mood. If he is hungry, sick or something upset - workouts are prohibited;
  • do not shout on the dog, and do not work for a long time.

Picture 2.

Learn a dog to give a paw

There are three methods for teaching a puppy to this team:

  • the first way. Put a puppy and show him a favorite delicacy, clamped in a fist. Pet will try to get a treat with a nose, then the foot goes into the course. At this point say: "Give the paw!" And take the dog's paw in your hand. Do not lift it too high - the puppy is scared. Praise pet and give food;
  • the second way. Put a pet in front of yourself and tell me: "Let the paw!" Immediately take the PSA foot in your hand and lift to the shoulder level. Praise pet and encourage delicacy;
  • third way. On the team, lift your pet leg with your left hand and put it in the palm of your right hand. Do as if the puppy himself put his paw in your hand. Immediately praise and treat it. With this method of teaching a puppy is better developed after the two above methods.

Picture 3.

Learn the dog to give the second paw

After the puppy learn how to apply a sweetheart, proceed to learning a more complex team. Teach the pet feed the second paw. First, insert "Give the paw!" After executing the team, tell me: "Give another paw!" And take her with your hand. Repeat several times.

Picture 4.

Useful advice

Repeat workouts several times a day, with breaks and not long. It is enough to engage in two or three times a day. Train with pet during games so that PSA will have a positive response to classes. Hold the paw for a few seconds and immediately praise the puppy and give him a treat. Strong legs do not compress, the pain is frightened by a pet.

Encourage the proper execution of the dog. Then the treat let's get less and less and after a good assimilation of the Pitom team, stop encouraging it with food. The puppy must give a paw for verbal praise.

Picture 5.

Usually grabs three or four classes, and the pet begins to feed the leg. Remember - the execution of the command will not work from the first attempt. Take care and pay a puppy enough attention and time. Learn to understand your pet, and he will surprise you with his abilities.

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