Than feeding yorkshire terrier

Than feeding yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier is a very small dog that requires a lot of attention. For the health of the puppy, it is not enough to vaccinate and introduce vitamin preparations in its diet. It is necessary to provide York proper nutrition that can satisfy the need for trace elements and vitamins.

What to feed york? Many people of old age believe that the dog needs to be fed from a common table. It is incorrect, as in human food there are substances that are dangerous to the health of York. In any case, you need to prepare for the dog separately.

Than feeding yorkshire terrier

There are two methods of feeding Yorkshire Terrier:

  • natural food;
  • feed.

Natural food does not mean that the dog can eat everything. In the diet, the puppy must be beef and a bird. In small quantities you can enter offal. In no case cannot give a dog raw meat! It may contain pathogens of worms. Cook a big friend of porridge. It is best to weld the croup. Ideal for feeding York rice and buckwheat. Boil a little vegetable and add to the caress. You can give raw vegetables. Sell \u200b\u200bthem refined sunflower oil. Vitamins contained in vegetables are better learned. All foods need to grind.

Than feeding yorkshire terrier

Prohibited products:

  • bones;
  • white bread;
  • sweets and cookies;
  • raw meat;
  • sausage and fat;
  • spicy products;
  • a fish;
  • smoked;
  • fat meat;
  • potato.

Many will ask why bread and potatoes hit the list? These products provoke fermentation in the intestines, so your dog will suffer diarrhea and dysbacteriosis. Shard bone can cause the death of a dog.

Than feeding yorkshire terrier

If you do not have time for cooking a puppy, you have to purchase food. For such a gentle creature, like York, it is worth buying food only in the form of canned. Dry feeds in a few years there may be problems with the liver and kidneys. Often, small dogs are found in kidney stones. The price of purchased feed is quite high, but the fragile York needs quite a little.

Than feeding yorkshire terrier

Share a lot of attention to the power supply of York. A puppy of different ages must be powered by a specific scheme. Toddler age up to 2 months needs to be fed 6 times a day. A semi-annual puppy must eat 4 times. And after 10 months, the dog is transferred to a two-time diet. If you cook yourself yourself, try to give a puppy vegetables, meat and porridge. Dogs of age up to 1 year must every day need to give cottage cheese. It contains calcium, which forms bones. Why not give spices and smoked? A cooler friend can lose sense of smell. After all, Nyuh in dogs are more acute than a person. Food containing spices dull smell.

Than feeding yorkshire terrier

Feed pets canned one manufacturer. Do not experiment. When moving to the older feed, do it gradually. Mix in the old food a little new. Increase the amount of new feed in portions. A sharp change of feed can provoke diarrhea and vomiting of a dog. York is a very gentle and sensitive animal, be alert. Compelate with the veterinarian and purchase the necessary vitamins.

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