Health and appearance of the beloved Labrador largely depends on what it is fed. In dog food, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro and trace elements should be present in sufficient quantities. It is best to feed your pet with a special dry food, in which all these beneficial substances are in balanced quantities. Moreover, many manufacturers produce feed specifically for labrador retriever.
If you stopped on dry stern, choose a proven manufacturer. At the same time, do not exceed the daily amount of feed that it recommends. On all packaging bags there is a table in which it is clearly indicated how much feed per day should eat Labrador. Usually it is 350-450 g with an animal weight of 30-35 kg. Daily norms divide twice and feed the dog in the morning and in the evening.
Deciding to feed the Labrador of natural food, you will have to explore the composition and usefulness of products, and then make an individual diet for your pet. First of all, from the list, exclude those products that are strictly forbidden to give Labradors (this also applies to any other dogs):
white flour baking;
any sausage products;
shopping meat rolls and pies;
meat or canned meat;
peas, beans, lentils, corn;
sugar and any sweets.
Do not feed your Labrador to the food that prepare for yourself. After all, you solit her and pepper, and add different seasonings and spices - for dogs it is all very harmful. There is such an opinion that the taped pets can be fed bone. This is a big misconception - they are only clogged with the stomach, and the benefits of them are zero.
What can be Labrador? Naturally - meat, moreover, any: beef, veal, lamb, lamb, chicken, duck, rabbit. Watch only that it is not too fat. And do not let your dog shopping chicken. Labrador - the breed is very allergenic, and the chickens are now growing on an industrial scale with the addition of growth hormones in their food. It is a shop that often becomes the culprit of the "scratch" from the dog. The most affordable meat is, of course, beef. For dogs buy not only it, but also beef by-products (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach). Often, the owners of Labradors are wondering what meat is better to give a dog - raw or boiled. Raw dogs eaten with great pleasure, but then animals need not to forget regularly anthelmint.
Cheerful products in food Labrador can add any. Neatness is needed only with oatmeal, which can cause a resistant diarrhea - this breed has a very gentle gastrointestinal tract.
Labradors are happy to eat all the vegetables, so in food you can add everything that was raised in the garden, except potatoes. Veterinarians say that boiled potatoes in dogs, in principle, does not absorb. But raw potatoes once a week to his pet can be given - let her shy with pleasure, and the teeth at the same time will be cleaned. The same applies to carrots, and apple.
From dairy products, the animal can be given cottage cheese, kefir or sophisticated, solid, not acute cheese. Labradors are very prone to weight gain, so dairy products are better feeding low fat. Cheese can only be given in the form of a delicacy or encouragement. Once a week, any dog \u200b\u200bis registered raw or boiled egg. At the same time, you need to trace if it causes a raw problem with the gastrointestinal tract.
Deciding with the necessary products, you can begin to prepare food for Labrador. Different sources say that every day it should receive 10-15 grams of meat for every kilogram of its weight. Those. If your favorite weighs 30 kg, then on the day he needs 300-450 grams of meat products. Adult ps for a day requires 1-1.5 liters of food. If you divide into two feedings - the morning and evening, then it will be 0.5-0.75 liters. Dividing the daily amount of meat for two, the rest of the food volume make up from cereals and vegetables. If the meat you bought completely without fat, then add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to a cooked porridge.
A couple of times a week, meat porridge can be replaced by porridge with cottage cheese or kefir, but to such a Food Labrador need to teach from childhood. If the dog give dairy products for the first time in adulthood, then the animal can refuse such food or the stomach will be upset.