How to feed a sterilized cat

How to feed a sterilized cat

If you have decided to deprive your home cat reproductive functions - keep in mind that now you will have to be careful to monitor its diet. After such an operation, the animal begins to eat several times more, and moves less at the same time. For your beloved pet to be interested in obesity, read our article and find out about the features of feeding sterilized cats.

From the diet of a sterilized cat, it is necessary to eliminate magnesium and phosphorus to the maximum. Therefore, if before surgery you fed an animal with natural foods and you are not going to translate it on dry food - first of all stop giving your purr. It is better to feed it with beef, chicken, by-products, milk porridge, fermented milk products and vegetables.

If the diet of your cat consisted of shop feed, then translate it to the nutrition of the premium class (for example Hill's or Royal Canin). Consult the veterinarian, it will help you choose feed, which will meet the needs of your animal.

Many allow one and the same mistake - immediately after sterilization, they begin to feed cats with dietary feeds, hoping to prevent the development of urolithiasis. However, in fact, such a "diet" will not bring any benefit to a healthy animal, so it is not worth moving to such a specific diet.

Carefully follow the weight of your cat. After sterilization, in any case, it will start correcting, your task at the same time prevent obesity signs from it. Veterinarians advise reduce food portions and feed the animal according to the schedule several times a day, and not constantly leave a bowl with a meal. But a bash with clean water should always be complete so that the cat can quench thirst at any time.

And finally, I want to remind two basic rules for feeding: the first - never interfere with industrial cat food with natural, choose something one, and second - do not let your fluffy pet food from the table, because what is delicious for you, for you Pet can cause dangerous diseases.

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