How to determine the floor kitten

How to determine the floor kitten

If you decide to take a kitten into your home, it is important to know its floor. This knowledge is especially important for those who have a clear preference - they want a cat or a cat. Unfortunately, young kittens distinguish between the sexes are certain problems that leak out of the fact that they do not have clearly formed sexual signs. In fact, few people may at first glance to determine, he has a matter with a cat or cat. Cat breeders are well versed in this matter.

Kittens breeds with long and thick hair, especially easy to determine the floor. If there are several kittens in litter, it will facilitate the task. Then the individuals can be compared, just looking at them under the tail. Remember that the presence of nipples does not define the floor of the kitten!

Definition of sex in ten-day kittens

The floor of the kitten in any case is determined on the basis of the examination of its genitals. The most difficult thing is to determine the floor of newborn kittens. Their genitals are very similar.

The images presented will help you dispel your doubts. They well demonstrate the difference between the cat and the cat.

Age of kittens ten days. At this age, the cat's skin around the edge of both holes is naked and reddened. At the cat she is covered with fur.

In addition, the distance between the anus and the mouth of the pots of cats is much smaller than that of the cat. Pay attention to the red arrow.

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Floor definition from five-page kittens

At five-year kittens, the space between the two holes is completely covered with wool. Nevertheless, female wool is less. And the difference in the distance between the two holes is saved. In males, it is much more than the females. It becomes noticeable that the shape of the vagina in females is oblong. And the mouth of the penis males has a round shape.

Definition of the floor kittens on external signs

Only experienced breeders will be able to determine the floor of the kitten in external data. It is believed that at the birth of a kitty larger and more active than the cat. But a small and inconspicuous kitten can grow in a chic cat.

The turtle color accurately indicates a kitty. This color is found only in female. We note that the cats grow upward and redness most often. Determine the floor of the kitten in the form of a face and body structure will be able to only be very experienced cat breeders. The usual buyer is more reliable to look at the kitten under the tail.


Cat or cat, whom to choose?

The floor does not matter when it comes to the joy of communication with the cat. It will be equally big, regardless of the floor of your pet. In childhood, the boys and kittens-girls are almost no different. With age, the character changes them. Cats become more independent, and cats are more affectionate. There is no one hundred percent answer to this question. Cats and cats love their owners equally. But they show their love in different ways. Cats in the manifestation of feelings are more detained.

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