How to determine the floor turtle

How to determine the floor turtle

Learn the floor of the turtle may be required in order to plan the dilution of these exotic animals. Buying a turtle in the pet store, sellers consultants will certainly say her floor. But having received a turtle as a gift or purchasing it on the market, the floor may turn out to be unknown. There are several well-known rules for which you can determine which individual has become your new friend.

Determine the floor turtle in the form of a shell

The males, the shell has a more eligible form, and in females - more round.

Determine the floor turtles by type of pantra

Plastron is the bottom (abdominal) part of the turtle shell. According to its structure, it is possible to determine the floor of the turtle only during its inheritance. By this time, the animal shell grows up to its normal size - approximately 10-11 centimeters in length. The female pester at that time has a completely flat shape, and the male plaster in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail is slightly concave

Determine the floor turtles in the form of claws

The males claws are much longer than the females.

Determine the floor turtle in the size of the tail

The male tail is longer and wide than the females. The females are rather short. At the same time, the tail of the male turtle bent down, and the female is located in parallel the plane of the bottom of the terrarium.

Determine the floor of the turtle in the location and form of a clock

Cloaca in all turtles is on the inside of the tail. The posterior hole in the male has an elongated shape - it looks like a narrow slit and is located closer to the tip. In the females, the clock has the form of an asterisk and is much higher, i.e. closer to the base of the tail.

Determine the floor turtle on behavior

The skulls of the turtles are usually very damned and try to keep their heads drawn into the shell. Female individuals are not very active and try to sit in one place. The males are much more active and inquisitive - they love to walk, so they rarely hide their heads.

You can precisely identify the floor of the turtle on your own on your own in the event that you live in a house several individuals and they can be compared with each other. In the case of buying one turtle, you can go to the store or a local zoo, where to ask specialists to help with Floor Clarification.

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