Animals of the Krasnodar Territory, listed in the Red Book

Animals of the Krasnodar Territory, listed in the Red Book

Krasnodar Territory is one of the most unusually beautiful places of the vast territory of our state in part of the animal, plant world. The animal of the world in these places is very diverse. However, in the last two centuries, as a result of the adverse effects of various factors, many populations are under obvious threat of disappearance. Let's find out what animals are recorded in the Red Book.

Protection of rare animal species

Thanks to a relatively soft climate and, accordingly, the rich peace of plants, there are many animal species on site. But in this area, the development of civilization was much earlier than in other areas of Russia. Therefore, this adversely affected the development of animal populations. Yes, and in our time, unfortunately, some people will not get along with such a rich heritage, which they gave them a mother-nature. That is why the number of disappearing animals is growing every year, and new and new pages appear in the Red Book. Sad fact - even in the current Caucasian reserve, the livestock of bison decreases due to the presence of poachers, now there are only 830 goals. Therefore, measures are being taken:

  • For animal protection.
  • To expand the protected zone of the reserve.
  • To combat illegal cutting down forest.
  • To control the pollution of water bodies, the environment.

Animal categories in the Red Book

The Red Book in the Krasnodar Territory consists of two volumes. In the first is written about rare plants, mushrooms, in the second - about animals. All plants listed in it, animals are classified for five categories:

  • 1st category - threat of disappearance. The name speaks of itself. These species can only be saved in the case of special events.
  • The 2nd category is a catastrophically rapid reduction in population numbers.
  • The 3rd category is rare animals. Namely, the disappearance of them is not threatened yet, but such populations are quite rare.
  • The 4th category is little learned groups, the number that is not great. The lack of information does not allow them to be counted for any category.
  • 5th category - Restored populations. Animals that are still monitored.

Animals - endangered species

Because of the irrational impact, poaching in the Red Book in the Krasnodar Territory there are more than a hundred rare, disappearing animal populations.

Golden eagle

Eagle of large sizes. Wingspan reaches two meters. It dwells in the mountains, more precisely in the areas of the advanced ridge, the main Caucasian. Food with mountain, wild birds: Caucasian Tetrayev, Ular, Keklik. Nests in mid-March. The masonry is based until mid-end of July.

Triton Liaziavian

The back has a color of green (olive) color, belly - bright, orange without spots. The total length with a tail is 13.6 cm (at the male), 11.6 cm (in females). It dwells both in rivers, reservoirs and on earth (under stones, logs, stumps) in the Caucasus Reserve. The diet is invertebrate.

Caucasian Gaduk

This snake reaches the length of just 60 cm. The color of the viper - red-yellow, sometimes it is also black. Brown stripes are clearly visible on the sides. Abdominal - black. The head from above has a flat configuration. If you look at the top, it is significantly wider than the neck interception. Vajuk prefers to eat small rodents, insects, lizards. Favorite habitat - forests (secluded places, gorge).


Big animal. The height of the withers is almost 2.15 meters. The total length of the body is 3.45 meters. The female pregnancy lasts somewhere 267 days, the weight of the baby is 22 kg. The bison is a herd animal, but there are single males. Feed on various plants, they are included in the diet of 527 species. Live in the Caucasus Reserve or in the surrounding neighborhood areas.

Front Asian Leopard.

Representative of the Feline family. It looks very impressive. Leopard color has a golden color. Throughout the body are brown, dark, black spots. The weight of an adult male reaches 70 kg. The length of the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail is 127-176 cm. The leopard hunts mainly onto the onboard, which have medium sizes. Refers to the 1st category (extinct groups of animals). Habitat - Caucasus, live in impassable forests, alpine spacious meadows, near the cliffs, rocks.

Forest cat

This big cat is found in the forests. Prefers a solid lifestyle. Wild cats are used in food small rodents, birds. Hunt at night. They live most often in deciduous forests. Great in the trees. The weight of a large forest cat is approximately 6-7 kg.

In addition to the above populations in the Krasnodar Red Book, more than a hundred species of representatives of different animals are listed (Lynne Caucasian, Sulna, Mediterranean Turtle, Spotted Deer, etc.). All these animals are in dire need of protection. Protect the environment. After all, the future of these unique populations directly depends on your attitude towards natural resources.

Comments leave a comment
Danila 05/16/2016 at 20:06.

Thank you useful article)

Oksana 10/17/2016 at 20:19

I am glad that my slideshow "" Animal World of Kuban ", which I did for my son in 2015, was useful and will be useful.


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