How many bears live

How many bears live

Bear - the largest predator in the world. He has virtually no natural enemies. It can run for moose at up to fifty kilometers an hour, and after the meal to fix dinner berries. But it is not always possible to eat enough. Therefore, the life of a bear depends on the difficulties he faced in the wild.

  Total exists eight species bears. N. a their longevity is affected by external factors, biologicheskie peculiarities and wednesday a habitat. So, b ely bear lives twenty years, a v captivitybefore magpie. Brown bear lives twenty five years v natural environment, a v captivity survives before fifty. Black bear - fifteen, a v captivitybefore thirty. Panda livesbefore twentymalay bearbefore twenty four, a spectacledbefore twenty one of the year.

On the life duration of the bear may be affected:

  • yield;
  • disease;
  • competition from other predators;
  • natural disasters;
  • poaching.

Before the winter, and in addition searches den arrangement, bear must gain weight (about 50 kg). Stored fat it will use instead of food during hibernation. Alas, there will be periods when the bear is not enough food. If he does not gain the necessary weight, it becomes hungry and turns into violent predator. People used to call this a bear rod. Hungry beast forced to attack the rural livestock and even humans. In particularly bad years of famine killed many malnourished animals. In 1968, 270 bears were killed in the remote corners of Russia.

Possession of a large male brown bear can reach 2000 km ². Inside them may be animals grazing, fishing spots and lots of plants. After hibernation brown bear eats ants and wintered berries. During flowering uses rowan leaves, fresh shoots, and the first green. Summer - all sorts of shrubs, fruits and berries. Can get to catch up with wild boar or deer on rough terrain. At the end of the summer eats fish. However, this can lead to infestation. Even more rarely bear is sick with rabies. All this slightly reduces the population of the species.

When the bear territory lies extensive forest fires, he is forced to flee to other areas. Since he has to master the new territory, during this period it is especially aggressive. If the bear is long in such a state, it becomes a connecting rod. Another animal may be injured on the branch, to be injured about the boulder and simply get sick. It is worth remembering that the wounded or sick bear is able to harm the person.

The main rival of the bear is considered by the Ussuri Tiger. Conflicts between beasts happen in failing years when mining is small and it has to share it. Usually bears try to avoid meetings with tigers. So, a Belogruda Bear in case of danger climbs on a tree and does not smell from there, while the predatory cat will not end patience. However, large males take battle. Such meetings end with death and severe injuries of one of the predators. The outcome of the battle depends on the case - the vibrant beast will win the younger and inexperienced. For smaller individuals, Wolves protrude with a formidable opponent. But the most dangerous enemy of the bear is a man.

Unfortunately, a person allows himself to kill animals. Fun stands life, and photography against the background of the dead animal raise status. Skins and parts of the body are called trophies, and people are hunters. Every year on the territory of the Arctic kill 100-200 polar bears, and about 20 thousand were left in the world. Brown and white bears are listed in the Red Book. In addition to fun for hunters, this is money for poachers and business for private companies.

Bear is an amazing animal. It can climb trees, swim, eat ants, do not breathe up to four minutes and feel odors at a distance of 20 km. When he is alive - he guards our forests when he dies - fertilizes the earth. The task of everyone is to leave heritage. Bear care is to be part of nature.

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