How to change water in aquarium

How to change water in aquarium

There are concepts of substitution and replacement of aquarium water. The substitution is produced once in one or two weeks. The replacement is carried out only in emergency cases, such as poisoning or infectious diseases of fish. With proper care and high-quality feed, it may not need at all.

The first substitution of water is carried out no earlier than 2-3 months from the time of the aquarium setting by living inhabitants. Water for this should be clean, without harmful impurities and chemicals. The flow challenge must be defended within 3 -7 days, the spring - during the day. Some buy air conditioners for water that can instantly improve its composition.

The amount of water to be replaced depends on the volume of the aquarium. If the fishing house contains 100 liters and is not very thick - enough to change 25 liters every two weeks. If the volume is less, and fish is greater - it is necessary to change the fifth of the aquarium every week. Observing this mode, you will save all useful properties and reasonable equilibrium of habitat. After all, fresh water coming down in small portions will not create an imbalance with the old and familiar for fish.

To refresh the aquarium, you will need such devices:

  • iron bucket with faded water;
  • scraper for cleaning the walls of the aquarium;
  • polychromvinyl hose with a transparent siphon for cleaning the bottom;
  • scissors for circumcision of scratched algae.

The procedure for changing water is as follows:

  • We lower the end of the hose to the aquarium, and the other we stick into the mouth and gently suck water.
  • The main thing is not to swallow the contents of the tube, but to pour it into a bucket with a sharp movement.
  • It is possible to completely lower the hose into the aquarium, and then one end to put it in the bucket, and to another to clean the accumulated dirt.

Choose a small diameter hose, a maximum of 14 mm. Otherwise, a strong flow of water can suck out small fish and even more raise from the bottom. To loosen the pressure, it is recommended to wear a small clamp or funnel on the hose.

We merge 1/5 of the old water in a bucket. If the bottom is correctly cleaned, the complete replacement is not needed and even harmful. Top the required amount of fresh water, the properties of which are very close to the old and habitual.

If tropical species of fish live in the aquarium, be sure to heat the water to a temperature of 24-26 degrees. If composure - cool to 18-22 degrees.

There is an erroneous opinion that the more water to clean, the more comfortable the inhabitants of the aquarium will feel. In fact, everything happens with accuracy to the opposite: the new composition and temperature of the water causes a strong stress in fish, which can end with death. Therefore, water needs to be changed often and gradually. The optimal option will be a 1/5 fluid replacement once a week.

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