How do a dog teach a team voice

How do a dog teach a team voice

A stupid dog can lead to ribbon of any person. In order not to attack the wrath of others and not complicate a personal life, you need to teach your PSA team "voice." He should know what can be baked only when the owner asks him about it. It is worthwhile from the earliest puppy age and use one of the methods.

Method of encouragement to teach a voice dog a voice

Based on the fact that the correctly executed command you should encourage your four-way friend. Surely your puppy has its own favorite delicacy. It can be cheese, fresh meat or even a bun. Cut it on the smallest pieces so that the dog is not bypass before the dump, but just a little tried it. Puppy collar and leash and fasten the latter near the tree. It is necessary so that the animal could not reach the delicacy, which will be in your hands. The first piece give a puppy right from the hands, and after he eats it, intend the pet and say a few tender words. It may be: "Good", "Well done", etc. Next, go away from the dog to such a distance so that she sees the same cheese, but it could not reach him. You can bring cheese to the nose, but do it very carefully, so that the puppy does not grab it. Minutes after 2-3 four-legged friend will begin to resent that the beloved taste will not fall into his mouth. Perturbation, he will certainly express her lamin. It is at the time of what you should say the word "voice" and very quickly give a dog a piece of food. Do this exercise no more than 5-7 minutes so that the puppy is not tired. You can repeat it in an hour or two. Usually teach the dog to serve the "Voice" command using the delicacy, you can in one day.

Imitation method to teach a voice dog voice

Some particularly active puppies, though begin to bark on the team for a delicacy, but can not stop. In this case, it is better to use an example of a well-trained adult dog. Plant trained dog and puppy at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Too restless puppy necessarily with the help of a leash, tie to the tree. Give the team "Voice" and as soon as an adult dog will fulfill her, encourage him with delicacy and be sure to keep back. Do it until the puppy understands that he can also whip and deserve his portion of cheese or buns.

The meaning of the team "Voice"

In the main team "Voice" the hosts teach his pet for passing certain tests with participation in exhibitions. For this, sufficiently one-time. But there is another category of owners who teach hunting dogs to give a voice when a shot of a shot of a shown bird or beast. In this case, Lai should be a triple. This training passes exactly the same ways as one-time, but the delicacy is given after the dog said "Gav" three times.

The dog has a rather powerful intelligence, but nevertheless, it may well get confused with teams. To make it clear in her head, it is possible to give a voice only by the team, no case encourage it after spontaneous and disorderly flas. It is not worth scolding the dog for it either, but you just need to ignore its stormy emotions.

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