How to train a German shepherd

How to train a German shepherd

The German Shepherd is a very restrained and intelligent animal that can be a hunter, a search engine, a defender and a security guard. Over the creation of this breed of work we conducted several decades. There is a suggestion that this breed appeared in the times of the Great Patriotic War, but it is not. To withdraw this breed, a long selection took. This is an extremely smart animal. High intelligence allows you to perfectly trap the dog. An important issue is how to proceed the German shepherd correctly.

From what age is to train the German shepherd

Puppy should begin to train from age for 2-3 months. Start with light teams and necessarily under the conditions that will be comfortable puppy. Conduction to feed in order to feed that you will encourage a pet, I was interested in. When classes with an adult dog, stick to the same rule. Almost in all cases, the treacherous puppy easily and well assists the teams. Pay attention to the key to quality learning is the calm and equilibrium of the owner. Remember, the dog has an excellent hearing, and your cries will not help anything.

1-2 months old

Puppy must be trained from childhood, but do it in a game form. The dog must first learn his nickname. It's easy enough to do it. When feeding, I'm a puppy and call name. Do it all the time.

2-4 months

  • At this age, pesika is taught to approach the owner. Feeding the team "To me" you should always keep on ready-made delicate, which you will encourage it. In no case do not punish the puppy for failure to comply. Patience and once again patience.
  • In this period, teach the dog to its place. Highlight a puppy a certain place and put the litter on which it will sleep. Brings it in this place, repeat the "place" command and let him a treat. Fluffy will soon come there - in his brain there will be a certain connection between the delicacy and this place.
  • In parallel, the puppy tends to the command "you can not" or "Fu". When he does something forbidden, then apply the team with a strict voice or slightly slap it.
  • When the puppy learn to perform all teams at home in the usual and relaxing atmosphere, continue learning somewhere while walking. Pay special attention to the team "To me."

4 months and more

  • It's time to teach a pet exposure. Pay attention to the teams "lying", "sit" and "nearby". Be sure to encourage the pet for the execution of the command.
  • The dog should be in the specified position until you give the "Gulya" command. Start an exposure from a few seconds and gradually increase the time.
  • Teach pets to overcome small obstacles. However, taking into account the bones and joints at the puppy have not yet been stung.
  • During walks, throw a stick to the side and encourage the dog when she will bring it. This breed has a property of causing the owner from nature. Training should be paid to every day. This approach will allow you to get an obedient dog that will quickly fulfill all the teams.

How to train a German shepherd - the effect of a magic stick

Remember, training is work! Not only pet, but also the owner. In training, the principle "from the easiest to complex" is always used. Always start with Azov. The occupation can be both boring and cheerful, but the competent trainer in each lesson has its own meaning.

How to train a German shepherd - Why do you need training?

Even before the training start, it is clearly decided for it to you? For your own convenience or will you use a dog for service purposes, or do you need training for exhibitions?! These are very important criteria on which the system depend on the system and methods.

How to train a German shepherd - learning training

It will not be superfluous to communicate with coaches and owners of German shepherd. Visit the exhibitions and look at the interaction of coaches and dogs. Pay attention to how dogs react to teams and incentives.

The training of the German shepherd is a laborious process. Know, you are lucky with the breed. Whatever it was, try in childhood and you will get a smart, mentally healthy and right dog.

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