How to wean a puppy biting

How to wean a puppy biting

The puppy learns the world due to the fact that he tries to all "tooth". And on the basis of the fact that the dog is hunter in nature, biting is also an instinct. With the help of light pieces at a small age, they get acquainted with what they are surrounded. At the age of three months, such bites are completely harmless, but time goes, and the puppy becomes an adult dog. Therefore, the habit of biting must be stopped, since the consequences will not please anyone.

Why does a puppy bite?

  • He knows the world.
  • Communicates.
  • Embodies the hunter's instinct.

While the puppy did not turn three months, in no case should it think that he aggressive and want to harm you. Up to three months, the puppies get acquainted with the world and the owner, and the best way for them is to be born, that is, learn, soft or solid, bite or not.

Puppies, like children, and therefore learning is best perceived during the game. Each owner should remember the main rules of the puppy raising: no aggression, screams and the more punishment. If you beat a puppy in educational purposes, it only injures his tender psyche. Remember, in this case, the main thing is the "impossible" command.

What if the puppy bites?

  • It is very important that the puppy perceives you not as a danger, but as a friend. In order to establish contact with the baby, spend more time together (games, joint walks). Make it so that he loved you and respected.
  • A puppy must have his own toys, he must understand what exactly he can do anything. In no case do not play with your own puppies, shoes and objects that make up any importance in the house.
  • In case the puppy flies and begins to bite, then do it so that it calms down. For example, put it out or press it into the floor, in no case do not hurt. Several times repeat the command "You can not" and wait until the baby calms down. In order to educate such a procedure, you need to repeat repeatedly.
  • Not bad is the way you show the dog that it hurts you and you are offended. For example, at the moment when having won, the puppy bites you, shout "ah!", Pretend that you hurt and leave. Repeat it every time a puppy bites you and over time he will understand what makes you hurt.
  • To protect your furniture from the teeth of the puppy, moisten the rags in vinegar (the vinegar is pre-diluted with water, the smell is important for the dog) and spread these rags in places that love to gnaw your favorite and you need to make sure that these rags are eaten.

The dog is a friend of man. Pay more time to raise a puppy at a small age and result in a devotee and obedient comrade. The main thing is to learn to understand each other.

At the end, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video in which you will tell in detail how to raise your pet.

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