How to pull the tick from the dogs

How to pull the tick from the dogs

If you and your four-legged pets are back with another walking home and noticed that the dog itches suspicious - check for the presence of subcutaneous mite bites. Seeing the body of the animal is a dangerous insect, you need to quickly take steps to recovery.

If you have the opportunity - show dog to the vet. He will be able to quickly and safely remove a tick and to determine, has not had time to become infected animal. In addition, the doctor will treat the wound correctly and prescribe treatment if necessary. If you're away from a veterinary point and your pet has suffered - prepare yourself to help him.

To remove a tick, prepare:

  • alcohol;
  • iodine (or Zelenka);
  • tweezers (or thread);
  • gloves.

Getting to the removal of:

  1. In order not to be infected with encephalitis, wear gloves (no gloves - just wrap your hands with paper towels).
  2. Treat the wound with an animal spirit.
  3. Treat as tweezers and grab the tick body it closer to the dog's skin.
  4. Gently shake loose mite in different directions.
  5. Carefully remove the insect.

If the hand did not have tweezers, use a strong thread. Wrap the tick close to the skins and cranky it in different directions. Try not to break the insect when you eject the disc. If you can not remove the tick completely, and part of it remained in the body of a dog, do not try to remove it yourself - it can only make a vet!

If you are unable to remove the entire tick - burn it, disinfect the bite with iodine (or brilliant green) and wash your hands with soap and water.

Keep in mind that the dog could be infected and symptoms may show up only a week later. So do not wait and be sure to show the animal to the vet.

Comments leave a comment
Galina 12.06.2018 at 17:59

I myself did not pull the tick, drove the dog to the clinic. We even put a dropper ((

Diana 06.13.2018 at 18:04

Yes, the ticks are very dangerous. So many problems are because of them in the spring, if you do not process the dog. We have one time so it was, now I strictly follow the prevention of fleas and ticks. In the spring and droplets dripping, plus the collar dressing (everything from the line is given ultra buy), I can even handle before walking. So with such protection, I'm calm!


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