How to put your ears york

How to put your ears york

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, which just adore glamorous girls and Celebriti. The puppy from the pedigree should be a triangular shape and stand. Unfortunately, puppies are born with soft ears who hang like most dogs of other breeds. In this article we will tell how to put the ears of York.

When should I put a puppy's ears? Usually, after falling out of dairy teeth, the puppy should be ears. But due to lack of calcium and vitamins, the ears are soft and bend under their own weight. If the milk teeth fell out of your big friend, but the ears are hanging, then it's time to put them.

How to put your ears york

To do this, take the usual medical plaster, which is sold in rolls. No need to acquire an antibacterial plaster with various impregnations. Now buy a dog and let it dry. After that, remove the wool with the ears. To do this, use a disposate machine. Dry ears and wipe them inside with a cotton waller. Roll the cartilage and fix it with the plaster. Shill two ears together. Wear such a dressing need a week. After that, remove the plaster and evaluate the result. If only one ear is worth, then repeat the procedure.

The puppy may have painful sensations due to the fact that the ears are rolled into the tube. Therefore, if your pet is worried and sculit, you can make another bandage. To do this, cut out the petal from the patch and the vertically ride the rod from the ear chopstick or toothpick. Stick the petal to the ear on the inside. Now tie the ears among themselves.

You can make blanks from painting scotch. Take a sticky tape and fold it in half. Then fold again. It turns out a little book or something similar to Langet. Between the "books" sash, place your ear and secure it with a scotch or plaster. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to steal the wool of the dog. But such a bandage is quickly removed, especially if the puppy is very active and restless.

How to put your ears york

The choice of method depends on the degree of savings of the ears. If a small break in the tip area is observed, then this section from the inside can be sealed from the patch. Start several ovals one on one - it will increase the stiffness of the structure. In case of strong sagging it is worth using drafts with chopsticks.

How to put your ears york

Remember, the pet is unlikely to like your actions, so the dog will at anyway try to pull the bandage. Secure the dressings carefully so that the dog is difficult to rip the plaster or tape. If after two weeks of Langes's socks did not become ears, refer to the veterinarian. He will write a puppy calcium preparations.

How to put your ears york

During the growth of indigenous teeth, control the nutrition of the pet. It must be balanced. Let the veterinarian prescribe a puppy vitamins with calcium. Do not give York calcium preparations without appointing a doctor. This trace element can cause constipation from a puppy. Do not give a dog drugs intended for people. Excessive calcium consumption will delay the fallout of dairy teeth. There is a risk of growth of indigenous teeth over dairy. In this case, without the help of the veterinarian it is not necessary.

How to put your ears york

To put the ears of York, you need to massage them every day. For this, the tips of the fingers massaging the ears of the sinks from the base to the ends. Massage need to do 2 weeks a few minutes a day. If the dog resists, postpone the procedure. Repeat the massage a little later. The more often you will massage your ears, the faster they will become.


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