  • Dogs
    For those who have a dog, probably repeatedly appeared a desire to teach it to fulfill certain teams.
    05.05.2019 237 0
  • Animals
    If your pet coughs as if it was fed, then you do not need to panic, but also to ignore this fact is not recommended.
    03.02.2019 270 0
  • Animals
    Pets are not just animals, but some of your family. They also need your care, care and love, and with them, as with all other family members, people occur.
    03.12.2018 291 0
  • Animals
    If at home you have a pet, then it is possible that one hundred you will have to make it some injection.
    20.10.2018 298 0
  • Animals
    Mother hosts should understand that health problems can occur not only in humans, but also in animals.
    20.08.2018 315 0
  • Animals
    If you started a pet, you take full responsibility for it, you should always remember about it.
    11.07.2018 289 0
  • Animals
    Today we will talk about animal care. For many, this is not just pets, but the real family members, which means they require caress, care and care, like any person.
    13.05.2018 349 0
  • Animals
    The dog is a devoted and reliable friend of man, but there are cases when she can bite even its owner.
    17.12.2017 374 0
  • Animals
    When we accept the four-legged pets in our family, we are fully responsible for his life. Unfortunately, the lifespan of dogs is much shorter than human, so sooner or later you have to say goodbye to your pet.
    09.11.2017 641 0
  • Animals
    If you found a puppy on the street and want to know his age, then it is quite easy to do it. Any PSA eventually appears characteristic features of mature or aging, as in humans.
    15.09.2017 456 0
  • Animals
    If you started a purebred dog and you are going to ride puppies, then you need to know about the pregnancy features of the bitch.
    03.09.2017 401 0
  • Animals
    The drug of whats spray is an effective antimicrobial agent for the treatment of skin diseases and wounds in pets.
    28.07.2017 492 0
  • Needlework
    For many dog \u200b\u200bowners, their pets are full family members. The owners will not be bought on delicacies and accessories for four-legged friends.
    23.07.2017 516 0
  • Animals
    Cleaning the dog's teeth is as needed as a person. From how you care for the mouth of your pet, its health directly depends.
    04.04.2017 424 0
  • Animals
    It happens that the dog's vomitive reflex is imperative, because the life of your pet depends on it.
    05.03.2017 459 2
  • Animals
    Little decorative dogs do not require frequent walking like big dogs. But with the advent of a puppy in the house you notice the permanent puddles and a handful in different places.
    09.02.2017 566 1
  • Animals
    The German Shepherd is a very restrained and intelligent animal that can be a hunter, a search engine, a defender and a security guard.
    28.01.2017 466 0
  • Animals
    Lishe (Trikhophysu) is one of the most common diseases in dogs affecting the skin of the animal.
    26.01.2017 514 0
  • Dogs
    The puppy learns the world due to the fact that he tries to all "tooth". And on the basis of the fact that the dog is hunter in nature, biting is also an instinct.
    02.01.2017 496 0
  • Animals
    Buying a puppy, the breeder assured that the baby is accustomed to the tray. But as soon as the puppy hits a new place, he makes puddles everywhere in the most unsuitable places.
    14.11.2016 526 0
  • Dogs
    Dogs have a natural instinct of maintaining cleanliness in the inhabitable house. Using this quality, you can also teach even the smallest puppy to walk on the diaper, and then on the street.
    13.11.2016 470 0
  • Animals
    You brought home a shaggy little miracle - puppy. Before you get up a lot of questions - how to care what to feed and what name to choose for a pet.
    27.10.2016 576 0
  • Animals
    With the appearance of a puppy at the house, the owner immediately appears a desire to teach him simple teams. Team dog "Give a paw!
    28.07.2016 559 0
  • Animals
    A stupid dog can lead to ribbon of any person. In order not to attack the wrath of others and not complicate a personal life, you need to teach your PSA team "voice."
    28.07.2016 514 0
  • Animals
    The dog in the house is joy for children and great responsibility and hassle for adults. After all, the four-legged pet should be educated, smart and obedient.
    28.07.2016 545 0
  • Animals
    If you purchased a puppy from an official breeder or through a dog club, then the question of determining the breed is not relevant for you.
    13.02.2016 848 0
  • Animals
    The dog is constantly on the street, and its activity strongly depends on the living conditions. So that the vital tone of the pet has always been positive, it is necessary to ensure the place of its habitat.
    15.01.2016 797 0
  • Animals
    Wormwood is a miraculous grass that is used to treat many diseases. It is believed that this plant is capable of cleaning the body from parasites.
    11.03.2015 2320 0
  • Animals
    Little, fluffy puppy people often forgive innocent pranks. Take to her bed, sofa, feed from the table.
    28.02.2015 898 0
  • Animals
    Vaseline oil is a product of oil refining. It is used in cosmetology for the preparation of nutritional creams and masks.
    15.02.2015 1932 0
  • Animals
    Yorkshire terrier is a very small dog that requires a lot of attention. For the health of the puppy, it is not enough to vaccinate and introduce vitamin preparations in its diet.
    04.01.2015 1165 0
  • Animals
    Health and appearance of the beloved Labrador largely depends on what it is fed. In dog food, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro and trace elements should be present in sufficient quantities.
    03.01.2015 3334 0
  • Animals
    Along with the problem of the need to castration, the issue of proper feeding of dogs is today one of the most relevant.
    02.01.2015 1028 0
  • Animals
    The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, which just adore glamorous girls and Celebriti. The puppy from the pedigree should be a triangular shape and stand.
    28.12.2014 3602 0
  • Animals
    That long-awaited day is suitable when you are going to go after the puppy. And you ask a natural question, how to choose your puppy, which will soon turn into an adult dog, and then for many years will live next to you.
    16.12.2014 819 0
  • Animals
    When the dog barks is the usual phenomenon. But quite often, the dog Lai annoys not only the owners, but also around.
    11.12.2014 1069 0
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