How to teach a puppy to the toilet?

How to teach a puppy to the toilet?

If you started a pet, you take full responsibility for it, you should always remember about it. Dogs are devoted animals who love their owner very much, but at the same time they can gnaw everything around and shit. The most difficult of all this is to teach the puppy to go to the toilet. This article is dedicated to this particular topic, today we will deal with what methods exist to teach a pet go to the toilet.


Immediately, I would like to say that people who most of their time spend at work should not make domestic animals, especially. Dog 9 with cats at least walking on the street is not needed, in most cases). If you still started a pet, take care that it was comfortable to live with you:

  • come it regularly
  • periodically bathe
  • walk with a dog daily, and, several times a day
  • detach at least a couple of hours a day with a puppy
  • teach it to the toilet
  • punish the provinces only right

In general, it must be said that the puppy is still a din family member, which is also like everyone else. Deserves to be happy and the owners should understand this.

Toilet for puppy

It happens that, even by buying a puppy on the ad, in which it was written that he was accustomed to the tray, obedient and knows all the teams, bringing him home, you understand that what you read in the ad was only a marketing move and nothing From the specified there is not true. It is not worth the upset, because this is the case of the owner to teach the baby to the toilet and teach it various teams, so forward!

So, before teaching a puppy to the toilet, you must first organize it. In this case, there are several common options that most pet owners use (unique people in this case do not take count):

  • Normal newspaper. The difficulty of this method can only be in the fact that in the house may just not be it, because the 21st century - century of computer technology: tablets, phones, PCs, etc.
  • Disposable diaper. An excellent option for those who will not regret money daily and regularly, and, several times a day, change such a diaper. Here I would immediately want to note that buying children's disposable diapers will be cheaper than special diapers for animals, although they are made from the same material and have the same.
  • Tray with filler. As a filler, various materials we will talk about later.

In any case, the optimal option will be purchased a special tray where you will put both a diaper and a newspaper and pour a filler. The option of the filler is more suitable for cats, because they love to rake the pits and rake them, so have this fact in mind.

Useful tips on the preparation of the toilet:

  • The tray should be exhibited smoothly, do not stagger, otherwise, otherwise the dog does not want to go there
  • The location of the toilet should not be changed, at least until the dog is finally accustomed to it.
  • While the puppy is not accustomed to the toilet, in the house it is better to remove all covers on the floor, in order to avoid their pollution.
  • Toilet must be compiled clean.

You must remember that a puppy to teach to the toilet is necessary from the smallest age, otherwise than the adult will be the dog, the more difficult it will be necessary to teach it, and adhere to the toilet, no exception.

Teach the puppy to the toilet

So, there are a number of tips, how to teach a puppy to the toilet and avoid His getting engaged in the wrong places:

  • If you decide to use the one-time diaper, you need to buy the right size, for too little dog you need a small diaper, because on a big one, it can just refuse to walk.
  • Put a sleeping place near the tray where the diaper is laid. In order for the dog to wake up from the desire to go to the toilet, he saw a soft place before her eyes, where she would like to go.
  • If the pet went to the toilet by the toilet cooked by you. It must be disrupted and talking about it is quite loud and terrible. Remember, do it necessary immediately after the dog went in the wrong place, because if you are a puddle or a bunch of discovered some time after some time and decided to break the puppy. Most likely, he will not understand why he scolded him. In general, I made a nasty - got right there.
  • The method of whip and gingerbread acts here. If the puppy has rushed by, distort it, if you go to a special place for him - praise, intend it and treat some of his beloved food. It should be understood that small animals are the same children and the methods of their upbringing largely coincide.

  • When the puppy is still quite small, he needs to teach it as follows - fed the peel and landed in the cooked tray, so you produce an instinct in it that after eating, you need to go to the toilet in the place.
  • If the dog did not have time to walk to the tray and cope right on the floor, wipe the puddle with a diaper and put it back into the tray so that the dog could teach his smell in the tray, but the place where she went to do well, so that no smell remains .

Beat dogs at the very young age is not worth it, it will be enough to fresher on them, to increase the tone, because their excessive sensitivity and your slaps can pour into incontinence in the future, have it in mind.

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