How to teach a puppy to the tray

How to teach a puppy to the tray

Little decorative dogs do not require frequent walking like big dogs. But with the advent of a puppy in the house you notice the permanent puddles and a handful in different places. Do not scold a pet, but begin to teach it to the tray. A small dog will go to the tray like a cat and the need for frequent walking disappears.

We teach the puppy to the tray - the choice of tray

Tray for dogs is a special pallet. You can buy a toilet with or without sides. Trays for puppies are such:

  • tray with absorbent diaper. It has a grid. There is a gel or other filler inside the diaper, which perfectly absorbs liquid flowing and unpleasant odors. It is possible to use it more than once, and then replace with a new diaper;
  • tray with a rug resembling herb. Such trays are used for dogs that often come out. Pet will think that he is in nature. The toilet system will not allow to appear in the apartment an unpleasant odor during the week, and the coating will help remove the dogs "cases" without problems.

For puppies-girls trays are sold ordinary. And for a dog, buy a toilet with a column, which is easy to remove if necessary. Do not choose a tray with very high sideboards and keep in mind the magnitude of the dog when it grows, when buying a dog accessory.

Teach the puppy to the tray - choose a place toilet

Limit first the territory of the movement of the puppy in the apartment so that it does not go there, where it is impossible. By this you reduce the area for possible cleaning of dog puddles. Use a special fence up to 50 cm high. Buy a metal barrier in the store or make it yourself. From the fence, build a small pen for a pet, there will be a puppy in your absence. He will not spoil things in the apartment and will not guarantee the need in the wrong place. In the paddle, put the tray and put a dog bedding for sleep. After the puppy learn to go to the toilet - the barrage can be removed.

We teach the puppy to the tray - guide to action

Begin to teach the puppy to the toilet immediately, as it settled in the house. Puppies most often certify need after sleep and feeding. For teaching a tray, try using such methods:

  • take a dog in your hands after sleeping or eating and incur in the tray. Put it there and tell the "Toilet" command. Your pet will try to leave, but you are persistently and not rude again to put it in the tray. Constantly repeat the command. Do not shout and do not scold PSA! Do not let him down until it goes to the toilet. Praise a puppy and treat the delicacy;
  • watch the pet. They saw that the puppy was concerned about and looking for a secluded place - sit at once in the tray;
  • put a piece of a puppy with urine puppy in the tray. He is being smell and go there to the toilet;
  • use the "whip and gingerbread" method. It consists in promoting and small punishment. Each time loudly and strictly say the Puppy "Fu", if he went to the toilet in the wrong place. Older dog can be easily slammed on the pope, and a two-month puppy poke neatly nose into a puddle. If the tray is used for its intended purpose - praise a pet and encourage your favorite delicacy. PSA should be punished immediately after the provinity, in an hour he will not understand what she was guilty;
  • treat tray with special sprays. Buy a special spray for toilets in a pet store, his smell will help the puppy to learn to the tray.

We teach the puppy to the tray - what you do not need to do

Invalid actions:

  • do not shout strongly to the puppy if he guided the need in the wrong place. You can slightly increase the voice;
  • do not close the dog along with a tray for a long time in another room. You can deprive him for a short time;
  • do not beat the peel for the provinity and do not poke it constantly nose in feces. Puppy will grow and become aggressive;
  • do not disturb the pet at the moment when he copes his need. It can break his psyche.

Show patience and love for a puppy while teaching tray. After a couple of weeks, Pesket will understand where his toilet will no longer do puddle in the apartment.

Comments leave a comment
Igor 14/04/2019 at 8:59.

To teach a puppy to the tray, this is the process is not fast, and you will need time and patience. But while there is a process of teaching to the tray, the puppy can leave a puddle in a not put place, and will not have a pleasant smell to get rid of always from not a pleasant smell. Remember the name of the fund: "Odorgone for puppies" let you do not confuse the word puppies, the tool perfectly copes no matter how dog breed is not, and the age of the dog. Funds enough for a long time.


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