How to teach a puppy to walk on a diaper

How to teach a puppy to walk on a diaper

Buying a puppy, the breeder assured that the baby is accustomed to the tray. But as soon as the puppy hits a new place, he makes puddles everywhere in the most unsuitable places. We will have to make an effort on your own to teach the puppy to go on a diaper.

How to teach a dog to write on a diaper

Even if a small dog for the former owners in his hometown did her "deeds" where you need, getting into a new home, everything can change. Therefore, your task is to gain patience and teach a puppy to go on a diaper.

Collaboration rules:

  • Even before you bring home a new friend, decide on the place where the diaper will be, and subsequently the tray. It is impossible to change this place, because the puppy can get confused.
  • As for the diaper - buy disposable in the pharmacy, the size choose 60 by 60 or 90 to 60.
  • At home, you need to remove tracks, carpets and even rags so that your new friend does not have a single chance and temptation to use the need for a sex rag or a bedside rug. If it happened already, you will have to spend maximum effort to move the puppy to go on a diaper.
  • Highlight one territory, such as a corridor and kitchen. And in the room where there are carpets, access must be limited.
  • Build houses of Woller - this is a place where the puppy will have its own corner, toys, a bowl for food and water, as well as a diaper. A few days later, the dog will get used to this territory. It is known that animals will never cope with the need in the place where they eat. And you need to make sure that the puppy makes everything right.
  • Immediately after eating or after sleep, expect certain actions. The dog will not have another way out, how to fix the need on a soft diaper. Immediately you need to praise a new friend, give him a delicacy. As soon as the result entrushes (after a couple of days), the aviary can be opened.
  • The puppy needs to give more and more space, so the territory needs to gradually expand - to let a dog walk along the corridor. Just remember that in this room there should be no carpets, only a diaper in the same place.

How to teach a puppy to go on a diaper. Tips of professionals

The result is, but it needs to be consolidated. Explore these recommendations, maybe they will use you and you will quickly teach your four-way friend to walk in one place:

  • wet diapers need to be removed immediately so that the puppy does not have addiction to a strong urine smell;
  • do not punish the pet for making a puddle in the wrong place. After all, after punishment, he hides in the corner and so will make his business. If you have found a stupid puddle, it is already useless to raise a pet, a snack in urine. Animal will remember only that when the owner of the house - you need to hide, so as not to scold;
  • diapers are 2 species: disposable and reusable. The first are sold in a pharmacy and after use immediately emitted. The second is a fabric well-absorbed fabric folded in several layers. After use, such a diaper must be replaced with clean, and wet wipe and dry;
  • special sprays that can be purchased at the pet shop will help. Buy at once 2 types of funds: with a strong smell, to scare away a puppy from the places where it is impossible to write with the mounted smell. The second spray-bait needs to be sprayed on the diaper. He stimulates the pet to make his affairs in the right place;
  • what if the dog chose a carpet? Just at that place and need to spray spray No. 1, but first need to carefully climb the puddle with detergents. Chlorine do not use because it is capable of strengthening the urine of a pet.

Now you know how to teach a puppy to a diaper. Good luck!

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