How to give vaseline oil

How to give vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is a product of oil refining. It is used in cosmetology for the preparation of nutritional creams and masks. In addition, it can be safely used to treat constipation in people and animals.

How to give vaseline oil kitten? If your pet is not going to the toilet for several days and eat badly, give him this tool. The average dose of 1 kg of weight is 2 ml. That is, a cat weighing 2 kg, you need to give a drink 4 ml of vaseline oil. Do not immediately pour the whole dose. Divide the medicine into several techniques. You can measure the required amount using a syringe without a needle. If you get a lot of kitten in your mouth a lot of medicine, it will begin to be treated, which will provoke vomit. Therefore, if you do not want to mock the animal, from time to time, lubricate him with oil with oil. Cat will lick the product with wool.

How to give vaseline oil

Try to keep a pet on a hungry diet while it does not go to the toilet. Do not limit the amount of fluid. Watch the bowl or milk to be in the bowl. Vaseline oil envelops the intestinal walls and makes the hollow masses soft. In addition, it prevents the organism poisoning, as it limits the absorption of fluid from the feces.

How to give vaseline oil

This remedy can be safely used to treat constipation in dogs. Dosage is the same as for cats. Do not give a dog more than 5 ml means. So that the dog does not choke, you can mix the medicine with water or food. At the time, exclude a petty feed from the diet and try not to overflow the animal.

How to give vaseline oil

Vaseline oil can be given to a child. Many people think that this is an artificial product that is not suitable for oral administration. In fact, oil is a natural substance, so vaseline oil does not pose any threat to the health of the child. It is advisable to give a baby to a 0.5 teaspoon of substances in front of food. A child may not want to drink a medicine, so you can add a tool into water or compote. It is not recommended to take a tool for more than 5 days, it can cause diarrhea and breaks the absorption of nutrients and vitamins from food.

How to give vaseline oil

Remember, only purified transparent oil without additional impurities can be given to a child. Any additives can cause allergies and intestinal dysfunction. Make sure that there is an inscription "to receive inside" on the bottle, otherwise do not use the substance to combat constipation. Vaseline oil is not a medicine, it contributes to the best slip and softening of the feces. With regular constipation, it is necessary to treat their cause using bacterial additives.

If you do not want to give the baby oil inside, you can use it for the preparation of the solution. You will wash the stomach. In warm boiled water, add a teaspoon of the product and type liquid into the pear. Cleansing enema with oil will help to cope with constipation in newborns located on artificial feeding.

How to give vaseline oil

For the treatment of children, use special candles of local action. They are absorbed only in the thick intestine and have a minimum number of side effects.

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