How should the newborn sleep

How should the newborn sleep

The first months of the baby's life are associated with risk. A young mother who had not previously had to follow the child, with fear goes to bed, fearing, as if The kid did not suffocate in a dream or did not choose a liquid, which hesitates. Several delight tips will help you to equip the baby's sleeping place, create an optimal microclimate and provide a strong healthy sleep.

In the morning and in the evening, check the room where he sleeps child. After checking, wrap the baby well or put on a room to another room. Control the temperature, it should fluctuate in the range of 18 22 degrees, optimal - 20-21. Check air humidity. If child breathe dry air, it will soon be cough, because the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx dries. It is recommended to buy an air humidifier. If there is no such possibility, then resort to alternative. Make a chamomile, a lamp or a series, and better take fisherman in a pharmacy. Moisturize diaper Or a gauze cut with a prepared composition and threshing on the battery, if in winter street. In the summer and in the spring threshing gauze or diaper Near a baby bed, cradle.

Evaporation saline Or herbal beam will contribute to a soft breath and will be favorably affected in general condition. child. After all, it will breathe not dust Dry air, and natural herbal or salt extract. In addition, these concentrates act as antimicrobials. Do not wave a baby, give him the space and the ability to move. Let the spine and the limbs form naturally, and not atrophy. Child Should sleep on solid Smooth surface. If the baby sleeps with his parents, and the mattress is spring, then it should be with an orthopedic bias. In a crib, it is enough to lay a simple mattress with an environmental filler. Remove the pillow from the baby bed, give up this idea. Fragile inconsigned spine will be deformed and bend in such a position. Better, if child Get used to sleep without a pillow.

When child Sleeps, avoid bright lighting and sharp sounds. At the same time do not try to walk on tiptoe and talk whispering. If child It will get used to ideal silence, it will be very difficult for him to sleep, and you will suffer from permanent whims with the slightest screet. Go, talk normally, listen to music, watch TV (but let the screen shines on childIf he sleeps in the same room with his parents). Do not perceive these recommendations as a library, the Council is designed for a prudent person, and noise It should not be regular, powerful and deliberate.

On For several months after birth, it is recommended to use two postures for short and long sleep: lying on the back and side. If you putting Toddler on the back, then turn the head. This prudency is necessary for the leaving of saliva and the lactic mass, which babies are torn after feeding. If putting Sleep by bocok, then just look at the crumb of anything prevented. Under the backband, blanket, let the baby rests on it. Change the position of sleep and turn the head one side to another. In 3 months you can already put child Sleep on the tummy, it will significantly reduce colic. Periodically control the sleep of the baby.

To child not tormented colic, after feeding, hold 10 15 minutes in a vertical position, pressed to himself, and putting the head on the shoulder. After belching or jeeping, you can put sleeping.

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