How to collect urine in newborns

How to collect urine in newborns

In order for the urine analysis to show a true picture of the state of health of the newborn, it is necessary that the waste for collecting and the storage capacity for urine storage was sterile. What techniques for this use and how not to do, read below.

Remember that you need to take the analysis of the baby's morning urine, it is desirable that it does not stand for more than 1.5 hours. From the evening prepare a sterile jar or container. If we decided to take advantage of a glass jar from under a puree, boil it a few minutes along with a lid in a saucepan or at least fill with steep boiling water, close the lid, chat the jar and leave for a couple of minutes.

"Call" urination in boys is simpler: as soon as the sexual body will swell and rises - substitute the prepared packaging and "shackle" (you can turn on the water, you can sentence a cherished "letter writing"). With girls more complicated, but there are ways to eat. Before starting to collect urine, carefully fit the baby.

In the pharmacy for a penny, acquire several urinary workers about the supply, suddenly it will not work from the first time. They are for both girls and boys, standard size. Remove the fixture from the packaging bag, spread, remove the yellow protective paper with the sticky zone and stick between the legs so that all urine gathered in the urinary.

If you are afraid that urine exists from the urinary, take the baby vertically or a little at an angle and go with him so while it does not write. Be prepared that it may take a long time. If the child does not write for a long time, try to apply it to the chest. During the meal, the probability of urination increases.

If the urination option is not suitable for you, use a clean mug or deep plate to collect urine, also scolded with boiling water in advance. No other options will provide a pure result. When urine will be collected, carefully pour it into a prepared container or can. Do not worry if urine is a bit: for the analysis there will be enough pair of tablespoons (less than 1 cm from the bottom of the jar).

It is not necessary to wear diapers on the attached urinal - urine it will not be possible to collect so much. Do not use the options for "resourceful moms" that do not provide urine sterility: do not collect urine in the pot - no matter how clean it is washed, bacteria remain on it; Do not squeeze the urine from the diaper, do not try to tick the child with packages - it is fraught with skin irritation.

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