How to hand over urine

How to hand over urine

Urine analysis is a simple laboratory study that each person has come to pass more than once. It is going to urine yourself, is given the same. The principles of delivery, existing dozens of years, remained unchanged even today. With one difference only: the current generation refers to such analyzes is extremely irresponsible, which may result in an incorrect diagnosis. Therefore, passing urine analysis, try to observe all the necessary conditions and rules, in order not to confuse the laboratory workers and attending doctors.

To obtain adequate research results, it is necessary to comply with gastronomic conditions on the eve of the tests. So, there is too sharp and spicy food can not, drink alcoholic beverages - as well. From mineral water, it is better to abandon the time, because it can change the level of urine acidity. From sweets and products that change the color of urine, refrain not to confuse laboratory technicians. During the period of delivery of the tests, it is not recommended to take antibiotics, vitamins, antipyretic - they change the biochemical composition.

During the day before collecting urine, it is advisable to refrain from severe physical exertion. In some people, physical labor is capable of causeing an excessive protein in the urine. Women are not desirable to take the analysis during menstruation, as well as three days before and after it.

Special attention should be paid to the selection of tanks for collecting. The optimal option is a pharmacy plastic jar. It and the size of suitable, and the paper to fill data is pasted. If for any reason you cannot use it, take another small (preferably glass) vessel. They can well overshow jar from baby food or another clean capacity of 100-200 ml.

For the surcharge, only concentrated morning urine is suitable. Waking up the sutra, it is necessary to produce the toilet of external genital organs using a soap solution or a weak furaticin solution to wash off bacteria, dead cells, protein particles, etc. To obtain a reliable result, you should collect an average portion, skipping the first and last drops. But volume in any case should not be less than 100 ml. This amount is a mandatory minimum for the study.

Having gathered a sufficient amount of material, close the jar tightly and attach a piece of paper to your data. Watering for analysis should fall into the laboratory no later than within 1-2 hours. If you save the jar longer, salt in the urine falls into the sediment and the liquid greatly lies, which will negatively affect the results of the study.

The urine analysis is an important process that promotes the detection of various diseases and violations, as well as their early treatment. But only at the time if the material for the study is assembled according to all the necessary conditions. Otherwise, the risk of setting the wrong diagnosis and appointment of unnecessary treatment.

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