How to prepare for ultrasound kidneys

How to prepare for ultrasound kidneys

Ultrasound kidneys - the most informative method of medical examination of this body. Unlike ultrasound other organs (liver, spleen, gallbladder, bladder, small pelvis organs), the kidney survey practically does not require any preliminary training.

If the patient has absolutely no complaints about the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the procedure is carried out without preparation.

When a person, in addition to discomfort in the kidneys and poor urine tests, bothers the abdomen, then to the ultrasound of the kidneys, it is necessary to prepare in advance. The fact is that the kidneys are in the abdominal cavity - there, where and the intestines. If the gases accumulated in the latter and he swelled, then the doctor will be problematic to see all pathology on the screen that can be in the kidneys.

In this case, the preparation for the ultrasound of the kidneys should be started in three days:

  • Exclude from the diet all products causing gas formation (any sweets, fresh black bread, cabbage, fresh cow milk and fruit);
  • Three days take activated coal or Espumizan (a better confession scheme with a doctor);
  • On the eve of the day, ultrasound should have dinner no later than 18 hours. In the evening make a cleansing enema. In the morning, drink only sweet tea and eat a couple of black crackers.

Ultrasound kidneys is made no more than 15 minutes, and the doctor immediately gives photographic and written conclusions after the survey.

If the patient is disturbed not only the kidneys, but also other organs of the urogenital system, together with the ultrasound kidney, it can be appointed and ugily bladder. How to prepare for ultrasound in this case, you can learn from the next video.

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