How to prepare for abdominal ultrasound

How to prepare for abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound is the most frequently conducted informative, painless, indicative and safe study. Thanks to this method of diagnostics, in the abdominal organs, small pelvis and the retroperitoneal space, it is possible to identify pathological processes, determining the internal arrangement of organs, their size and structure, refinement of possible access to the authority before puncture or biopsy. Proper preparation for this procedure allows you to qualitatively assess the condition of the internal organs, identify the disease and determine the reasons for your complaints.

The basis of the preparation for the ultrasound is the exact observance of the diet, which is aimed at reducing the formation and content of gases in the intestine. For 2-3 days before the study, change your power output: meals must be fractional, with a sufficient amount of fluid (eliminate the use of coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, juices, strong tea, milk).

Recommended products in the days of preparation are cereal cereals cooked on water, low-fat solid cheese, boiled fresh meat and fish species, one per day cooked twisted chicken egg.


Exclude from their diet products that will contribute to the formation of gases in the intestine:

  • All milk products;
  • Baking;
  • Black bread;
  • Sweets;
  • Sauer products;
  • Raw vegetables and fruits with high fiber content;
  • All types of legumes;
  • Fatty grade meat and fish.

Immediately before the procedure, you can not suck lollipops, smoke, chew a chewing chewing. The best time for this diagnosis - in the morning, on an empty stomach. On the eve of the procedure to refrain from food within 12 hours. If the time of your examination is post-monthly - do not give in to the temptation even a small snack. An exception is possible only in patients with diabetes mellitus, they are allowed to eat Sukharik with disadnant tea.

Provide the most comfortable for you and an ultrasound specialist conducting the procedure: dare before the study of comfortable clothes, if you have a piercing - remove it.

If you suffer over the excess of gases, please inform the doctor's attending. Usually in such cases, an activated carbon taking (2 tablets 4 times a day) or any of the wind turbines is assigned. To improve digestion, the doctor may assign enzyme preparations.

If you suffer from stubborn constipation, 12-16 hours before the survey, make a cleansing enema. An alternative to this intestinal purification method will be the formulation of microclism ("Microlax") or the use of plant laxatives based on the Seine ("Senade"). Important! "Prexan", "Norma", "Dofalak" do not use! These laxatives on the contrary provoke gas formation.

Doing the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity after endoscopic or x-ray studies of the gastrointestinal bodies are impossible.

Stop with your attending physician all the nuances about the reception of medicines during the preparation for the study. Antispasmodics will most likely be canceled.

The diagnosis of the bladder, the scrotum and prostate in men, and in women of their reproductive apparatus (through the abdominal wall) is carried out after 1-1.5 l of non-carbonated liquid is discouraged. The study of kidneys, adrenal glands and ureters in some cases is also performed on a complete bladder. Important! During pregnancy, ultrasound research is recommended to be carried out no more than three times for the entire period of nursing the child.

Do not forget that the result of the diagnostics, the accuracy of the evaluation of the processes in your body, the appointment of proper treatment and its further efficiency depends on the quality of your research.

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