What looks like a grozha

What looks like a grozha

The groin hernia is a painful state, after which the abdominal bodies leave the front wall limits and fall into the groin canal. The hernia, as a rule, manifests itself in the form of a strong "bloating" and is accompanied by pains of different intensity (they are particularly enhanced during exercise). When the crotch in the abdominal wall becomes more free or weak than it was at birth, the hernia appears, which is called congenital; If a violation appears at the end of the inguinal channel, this hernia will be called purchased.

Any of varieties of groin hernia can penetrate the scrotum. This neoplasm may increase when a person stands or walks, and decrease when it falls to rest (the contents of hernia slides forward and backward under the influence of gravity).

The surgical operation is required when hernia really has impressive sizes and delivers significant discomfort to the patient. So, if part of the intestine will be rejected, then normal blood circulation will be broken, and because of this, the gangrene will most likely develop. With such situations, an emergency operation is performed, with which the intestine from the inguinal channel is pulled out and the hole is narrowed in such a way that there is no relapse. If there is a gangrene, then the impaired part must be removed by surgical path.

Symptoms of groin grozhi

The main symptom on which the hernia is determined is the appearance of bulge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin or scrotum. It can be formed during the week or gradually during a pair of months (there is usually instantly after a sharp lift of weights, flexion, stress, laughter). In this case, soreness can be completely absent. Additional symptoms also include a sense of gravity, pulsation or burning in the hernia area (when moving to the position lying, these symptoms will be served).

If a person feels severe pain, nausea or vomiting, then this is a clear sign that part of the intestines fell into the hernia and immediately appeal to the hospital.

Causes of groaning hernia

In most cases, the cause of pathology is the underdevelopment of the wall of the belly, as a result of which vulnerable places are formed in the abdominal muscles. If they put pressure on them, then this will give the organ to protrude through its weaknesses. The hernia may occur both at birth and during the development of the body.

The factors that contribute to the development of hernia are: excessive body weight, cough, constant weight lifting (which is why men suffer from this pathology much more often than women), tension. In women, as a rule, the disease exhibits itself during pregnancy.

It is simply diagnosed with hernia simply (the bulge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin is enough to grope). In more complex cases, ultrasound diagnostics are used.

Inguinal hernia

Types of Gryzh

Distinguish the following types of hernia:

  • With oblique hernia, the internal organs overlook the seed rope, located inside it. It may be congenital or acquired.
  • With a direct hernia, the organs go into the groin canal outside the seed canal. This kind of hernia can only be acquired (the cause is usually the weakness of the muscles).
  • Combined hernia is notable for the fact that a patient may form several hernia bags that do not depend on each other, and are direct and oblique types of hernia.

Treatment of groin grozhi

The hernia does not have the potential for independent disappearance, but if it does not worry constantly, then surgical intervention can be postponed. But only one should always remember that in some cases the pathology can exacerbate. In general, surgical intervention is shown by all sick herrigeum, even if its manifestations are insignificant or disturbed at all. Many surgeons come to the belief that the operation is the most rational output for the patient, rather than the intestinal compression.

If the neoplasm is small in size, then in most cases it is commissioned by pressing the stomach, as a result of which the operation will not be required.

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