What does the virgin pleura look like

What does the virgin pleura look like

What such a hymen knows not all girls and guys, but this is very important at first sexual contacts that are the beginning of new emotions and sensations.

Virgin pleura

Hymen (virgin pleura) represents a thin membrane of various shapes with sets of nerve endings, muscle fibers and fabrics. By fulfilling the role of the partition between the internal and external genitals, protects the first to infections and diseases. The hymen has small holes for blood outflow during the menstrual cycle, through which a woman can get pregnant without depriving the pleura. Sometimes too elastic hymen is preserved up to the delivery, the discontinuity of which occurs during childbirth.

Forms of virgin pleura

Virgin pleura is in anticipation of the vagina from him at a distance of about 1 cm. Cover her small and large lips, as if hiding and protecting. Depending on the organism of the pleura can have different forms and several holes.

  • Ringid hymen - pleura elastic, soft, has a hole in the middle.
  • Failulous hymen - a hole is in the top of the crescent, the lower part is more dense than the top.
  • Cuboid form - has thick edges, the center has an oval hole.
  • Kelema hymen - flesh, has a hole closer to the crotch.
  • The lattice hymen - has up to 8 holes, the stronger of all.

Plevra retains its sizes from birth, possessing elasticity and elasticity, it stretches with age, but does not grow. The amount of blood is dependent on the amount of blood vessels in Plegre, which will be present during the first sexual contact, and there is no blood at all. If the first proximity occurs in mutual love and desire, the girl may not feel.

Anomalous position of pleura

Non-perforated pleura - there are no holes for the release of menstrual blood, called hynatresia. It may appear immediately after birth with other malformations of organs. Acquired guinatresia can develop in the process of growing up the child - transferred to Cort, Scarlatina, in an adult organism in addition to other diseases of the female sexual system. It is manifested by the lack of menstruation, but there will be a pulling pain, nausea, dizziness as with the usual course of the menstrual cycle. Blood clots will not be able to leave the channels and will accumulate in the vagina or uterine pipes, which will later lead to blood flowing in the bladder or abdominal cavity. Diagnostics and cut of the hole are required.

In any case, do not be afraid to visit the gynecologist, the timely appeal to the doctor can save from many troubles. Be healthy!

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