What does the nail fungus look like on the legs

What does the nail fungus look like on the legs

To date, the fungus on the fingers is one of the most common diseases. In 99% of cases, such fungal lesions are not a threat to life, but can provoke a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Causes of nail fungus on legs

The fungal on the legs is a fairly common disease, not only in men, but also in women. Statistics showed that people living in big cities are subject to this disease more often than residents of villages and villages. The risk group includes workers of shower, athletes and workers of hot shops.

The fungus on the legs also appear in children, because their skin is very thin and practically not protected from external stimuli. The main cause of the fungus on the nails of the feet is the increased sweating of the legs. The cause of the occurrence may be a congenital feature or some disease.

We invite you to familiarize yourself in the main factors that provoke the occurrence of the disease:

  • wearing close shoes made not from natural materials;
  • disturbed blood circulation in the legs;
  • imminent immunity;
  • prolonged stay in a hot room with high humidity;
  • visiting a bath and sauna;
  • wearing someone else's shoes.

Stages of infection with various forms of nail fungus on legs

To dispel your doubts about the availability of fungus, we suggest clearly see how it looks at different stages of development.

  • In this photo, the fungus began to hit one edge of a nail bed. Please note that the infected part of the nail acquired a yellowish color, and the plate lost its transparency (the nail is no longer shown). In some cases, there can be a gap between the lie and the nail plate. Mushrooms develop and live fungi-pathogens. Medically, such a form of fungus is called dust-lateral.

  • In this photo, a photo of the initial stage of the fungus of the same form is provided, but with the subnamed hyperkeratosis. The essence of this phenomenon is that the reaction of the nail on the fungus is manifested by reinforced with the nail plate. The deeper the mushroom penetrates the nail plate, the more thick it will become nail.

  • Here you can observe the final stage of the distal-lateral form, which is manifested by the defeat of the entire nail. There is an involvement of the matrix in the process. Matrix is \u200b\u200ba place from where to grow nail. Nail dyroid.

  • Surface white shape touched only the top of the plate. At the initial stage, small white spots appear on the nail legs. They progress and over time capture the entire nail. If the photo is difficult to identify whether this type of fungus torments you, provide several more landmarks. The nail plate becomes rough and loose, it is easy to scrape. It is found only on the 1st finger, very rarely at once on 5.

  • Now look at the proximal sub-formation infection. It is characterized by redness and damage to the roller. The roller is a cloth surrounding the nail. The roller swells, acquires a brilliant color and changes the shape. The result is the separation from the nail of the cuticle. After that, the dystrophic change of the nail plate begins. It is manifested by the appearance of irregularities and furrows on the nail. If you run everything, the plate will disappear.

  • Total dystrophic form is the most launched version of the fungal infection of distal or proximal shape. As can be seen in the photo, the nail thickened, uneven and has gray. The main feature is the full or partial destruction of the entire nail plate.

Onychomicosis is an incredibly infectious disease. Its treatment should always be accompanied by general cleaning and disinfection of walls, gender, pedicure accessories, shoes, bathroom. Otherwise, you are greatly likely to get sick again. To prevent fungus nail legs, it is possible to refuse to visit saunas, pedicure salons, pools and public baths. For prophylaxis, some antifungal varnishes can also be used. They will not harm you, but can save your nails from the effects of dangerous fungus.

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Dasha 17/11/2021 at 18:16

I envy those who have never come across this problem ... .. I picked up in the gym, so since then of course hygiene is my all. Mizol helped a solution. But you need to understand in any case that the fungus is not quickly treated ... .. It is the most unpleasant moment. In general, it would be better for such info more than ever. And I keep the solution just in case always in the first-aid kit, it will not be superfluous.


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