What a wartwork looks like

What a wartwork looks like

A wart - a benign neoplasm of the skin caused by the papilloma virus that fell into the body. The stains can manifest themselves both one and merge into a large convex thigh. Infection penetrates across abrasions, scuffs, open wounds. There are also cases of infection with a virus when visiting the pool, intimate caress and even handshakes. There are four main types of papilloma, we will tell you more about each of them.

What a wart of an ordinary looks

Ordinary (vulgar) warts are formed on the skin in the form of a small elevation. They are tight, dry, with a shiny rough surface. Initially, there are light pink color, but over time they can darken and become dark gray. The warts of this type have the ability to merge and form multiple plaques on the skin. Mostly appear on the fingers and palms.

What does the warts look like a sole

Very often, plantar papillomas are confused with the corners, due to the unusual location - the plantar surface of the stop, the heels and phalanges of the fingers. It is a corneal formation, yellowish or gray-dirty color. About his appearance notifies painful sensations when walking.

What does a junior ward look like a wart

It is especially often observed on young tender skin - in children, boys and young girls. It has the form of flat nodules not correct, often rounded shape. Localled on the neck, face and hands. It does not bring any painful sensations to a person and can be sprinkled spontaneously.

What does a wart of an old

Keratoma (senile wart) - develops in people as agreed. Plaques look in the form of a convex mole, have gray, brown and even black. They are formed on the body, neck and face. Keratoma can exist single and multiple. In the absence of therapeutic treatment, it can be chosen into a malignant tumor or flat-mellular cancer.

What are the warts anogenital

The only variety of papillomes transmitted from man to man sexually. The predisposing factors are: non-compliance with hygiene, existing diseases - gonorrhea, genitourinary candidiasis, trichomonosis, chlamydia. Warts show themselves on the pubic, in the folds of the groin area and on the mucous membranes. They have the type of shorter expansions, remotely similar to the inflorescences of cauliflower. In the launched form, it can grow into a cancer tumor of the uterus or penis.

What a wart looks like - the causes of occurrence

The papilloma virus is dangerous with its long vitality, after penetrating the inside of the epidermis may not be manifested for 2 years. But, when influencing adverse factors, such as stress, improper nutrition, insomnia, inclipboard, hygiene disruption - infection begins to quickly progress and can grow into an oncological disease.

To prevent the transition of the wart into a heavy cancer tumor, experts recommend:

  • In no case delete papillas yourself. The effects of home elimination can be extensive burns, infection, abundant bleeding, remnants of ugly scars and pigmentation.
  • As soon as possible, make an analysis of the warts that appeared for the presence of cancer cells.
  • If you need to eliminate, contact only the medication direction. To date, you can get rid of an unpleasant defect with laser removal, migration of liquid nitrogen and radio wave knives.


Comments leave a comment
Irina 19/10/2020 at 18:02.

As far as I know, warts can appear due to weakened immunity. Get rid of them easy. From experience I know that the most effective means is a throttle. It helps quickly and with proper use does not leave burns or traces on the skin.


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