What psoriasis looks like

What psoriasis looks like

Psoriasis - non-infectious nature disease, which is chronic and affecting predominantly skin surfaces on any part of the body. What does this disease look like and what is her symptoms, find out from our article.


Stages and symptoms of psoriasis

This disease has 4 stages of development:

  • initial;
  • progressive;
  • stationary;
  • regressing.

The initial stage is characterized by such symptoms:

  • On the body in different places rash appear. They can be both single and multiple. As a rule, the affected areas arise under the hair on the head, on hand or legs. Sometimes such symptoms can be confused with allergies.
  • The primary signs of the disease are papules - small nodules of pink or reddish shade. They have a round shape and well-pronounced contours. The skin around the papural is inflamed, swelling appears.
  • After a short time, bright flakes are formed on top of such stains. If sick sick place, scales are easily removed from the skin. Zones affected by psoriasis can be seized and hurned.
  • If we comb sore place, then you can observe several signs, with high accuracy of the presence of psoriasis. The first sign is stearin stains. If you open the papul, then the flakes are peeling, and skin beneath them. The second feature is a thermal film. It is formed under Papula and has the kind of reddish thin skin. If you scratch it, blood droplets will appear in the sore place. The so-called blood dew is considered to be a third sign of psoriasis.

The duration of the initial stage can be from weeks to several months. During this period there is a gradual progression of the disease. The progressive stage is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Small papules increase in size, subsequently merging into solid spots. Such stains are called psoriatic plaques.
  • Itching on the affected areas of the skin is enhanced, the character of peeling changes. The flakes in the progressive stage cover only the central areas of plaques and do not affect the edges. To determine the second stage of the disease, the Cubner test is carried out - the skin in the affected place is a bit damaged, and if a new papule appears in a week, it means that psoriasis is in progress.

Subsequent stages are stationary and regressive - characterized by stopping the growth of papules and the appearance of new copies, and then the subsequent disappearance of symptoms.

Methods of treating psoriasis

When Psoriasis declares their initial symptoms, conduct local therapy with the use of ointments, creams and lotions. It helps eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations, relieve inflammation and swelling. As a rule, the means for outdoor applications do not have serious side effects and are well tolerated by all patients. To such medicines include:

  • "Tannel";
  • "Calcipotriol";
  • "Ditransol";
  • "Cartalin".

The active substance in these drugs is salicylic acid. Psoriasis therapy also uses hormones based on hormones, vitamins A and D3.

If the disease progresses, it makes sense to engage in complex treatment. For such therapy use the following:

  • Antihistamines like "Supratin" or "Fencarol".
  • Soothing drugs. Moreover, in addition to the sedative tablets, natural medicines can be used, for example, the tincture of the dye or valerian.
  • The complex therapy also includes anti-inflammatory funds.
  • Local treatment provides for the use of all the same ointments and creams based on salicylic acid, hytiola, tar.
  • Psoriasis is treated with hormonal drugs.
  • To speed up and strengthen the therapeutic effect, physiotherapy methods are used: treatment with laser, ultraviolet, photo and cryotherapy.

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