How to treat psoriasis on the head

How to treat psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis refers to recurrent diseases of non-infectious, autoimuminous nature having a chronic flow form. By provoking its appearance factors, it is customary to weaken immunity, supercooling, mechanical injury, the presence of endocrine, neurological diseases, abuse of alcohol-containing drinks, genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders and so on. It is possible to attribute to symptoms, the occurrence of plaques (scales), point bleeding, inflammation of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp. Consider ways and treatments for psorism on the head.

If there are signs of the psoriasis of the scalp, contact a dermatologist, which, on the basis of a clinical picture and analyzed, (if necessary - biopsy), in accordance with the view, stage, the degree of this disease will prescribe an individual relevant therapy, primarily drug. Assigned in most cases of corticosteroids, immunomodulators, synthetic retinoids, cytostatics, antihistamines and sedatives, vitamins, folic and nicotinic acids. Various solutions, ointments and creams, for example, Advanta, Acreterem SK, Sinaflan, Divenex, Skin-Cap, Xamiol, Psorosek, Lorinden A, Solkoderm, Naftaderm, Skwafant, Psoriate, Ithyol and Salicyl Mazi, Elokom Lotions, Belosalik , Diprosalik and others.


Use to get rid of this ailment and special shampoos, such as: Capitrol, Fongitar, Neutrogena T / Gel, Aloe Vera, Terva Shampoo Tjarscampo, Tana, Eucerin, Kertiol S, Tegin, Denorex, Keto Plus, Friterm Zinc (and Delet), Ketozoral, Tervahuun Tuoksu, Lush, Alphosyl, Sebutone Equiv Shampoo and others. Effective in the fight against psoriasis of the scalp The following techniques: Cryotherapy, UFO, ozone therapy, pre-therapy, phytotherapy, acupuncture, phytotherapy, plasma refoise, hemosorption, hemosorption are prescribed. Adjust your familiar diet, limit the consumption of sugar, citrus, chocolate, vinegar, coffee, tomatoes, bell pepper, eggs, cream, butter, cheese, mayonnaise, avocado, seeds, canned food, oily meat. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, branches lingers and rosehip.


Along with traditional medicine methods, use folk remedies for getting rid of this disease. Resort to such a recipe: a tablespoon of flax seeds will fill 300 ml of boiling water, insist for at least six hours, consume before meals daily during the week. Or such: two spoons of dry flowers of the clover hide hot water, after five minutes squeeze, make a compress with the resulting mass and attach a couple of hours to plaques. Also lubricate the affected areas of potatoes and celery juice, after 2-3 hours, the skin treated with them should be rinsed with cool water. It is recommended to use this way: two teaspoons of the juice cleanly mix with 50 ml of dry red wine, apply to sick places, after a quarter, rummate.


You can use such a recipe: Mix 200 ml of solidol or vaseline with three egg squirrels and a tablespoon of liquid honey (it is better to take linden), as desired, add the chopped grass of the purity, obtained by the mixture process the problem areas. An effectively such a means: connect 20 ml of bee honey and children's shampoo or cream and one chicken egg protein, such an ointment apply to the head of the head for half an hour, then flush. Effectively apply masks from a grated onion on a moisturized head (40 minutes), wash off without shampoo.

Honey and Mochliki

Do not tighten with an appeal to a specialist, since it is fraught with the addition of infections and the emergence of complications, the development of folliculite, pyodermia.

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anna 27/11/2017 at 1:10

Number of March 22, 2007: Archive of the newspaper "Travinka"

For six years already there is no disease

Often I read the requests of people to help them get rid of such skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. I myself suffered from the psoriasis of the whole 11 years and passed through hellish flour. Therefore, I really want to help such people.
For 6 years now, as I am completely healthy and feel a full-fledged person. And before that there was all, with legs to the head, covered with scales. Where I only was treated, but the doctor only was bred and said that psoriasis was incurable. And I do not know what it would be with me now, if not my relatives who live in Bryansk. Somewhere I learned about a woman who lives near them in a small town and knows how to cure skin diseases by an ancient recipe with the help of special ointments and herbs.
I immediately went to her. Natalia Pavlovna (so calling this good woman) prepared me everything you need for treatment and said that for 2-2.5 months I would pass, which I, of course, did not really believed.
But after one and a half months, my skin really cleared. Another Natalia Pavlovna said that the duration of treatment depends on the state of the nervous system and the purity of the body.
Now I remember my illness as a terrible nightmare. I am very grateful to Natalia Pavlovna for her precious work - the ability to cure diseases that are not subject to official medicine. And I write this letter for those who suffer psoriasis. Who needs this healer, I inform you how to contact her: Bryansk region, Natalia Pavlovna, Tel.8-903-818-67-69.
Tamara Alekseevna Isotova, Moscow


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