How to treat psoriasis by folk remedies

How to treat psoriasis by folk remedies

Psoriasis is a recurrent non-infectious disease disease occurring in chronic form. It is possible to include inheritance predisposition, transferred diseases (fungal, endocrine, slimming herpes, allergic dermatitis and other) and stress, excessive contacts with aggressive household chemicals and dry skin, wearing the immune system, weak immunity , tan abuse, hormonal changes, alcoholism. Consider the folk methods and means of its treatment.

To begin with, review your familiar diet, eliminate eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, prunes, currants, cranberries, chocolate, coffee, alcohol drinks from it. Limit to a possible minimum consumption of sugar, pumpkins, bananas, melons, cheese, eggs, cream, meat, as well as smoked, fried, flour and sweet products. Drink more non-carbonated water and juices from spinach, parsley, pineapple, beets, celery, carrots. Try less smoking. Wear free clothes. Do not use scrubs and washcloth when bathing, also do not abuse soap. After water procedures, use talc and baby powder for sick places to absorb excess water. And to moisturely require this sites, use lotions that improve the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Juice parsley

To achieve steal remission, combine some of the most suitable tools for you, try to use them regularly:

  • During the week, such a decoction should be used: Mind 20 grams of laurel leaves and add them half liters of boiling water, boil a quarter of an hour, then strain and cool down. Take three times a day at half a cup.
  • A tablespoon of birch renal filse 300 ml of hot water, spend half an hour in a water bath, drink a third of a glass before meals.
  • In the morning, such a means is desirable: connect three spoons of lingonberry leaves, daisy flowers, hunter. Spoon the resulting mixture insist 30 minutes in a cup of boiling water, then strain and add 30 drops of Eleutherococcus.
  • Every day, use the dessert spoon of sea buckthorn oil.


Try such a recipe: Take on the tablespoon of the roots of Altea and Valerian, Celebre, Hypericum and 3 - turns. Two tea spoons of this mixture make up 200 ml of boiling water, insist a couple of hours, use half a glass twice a day. Use such a method of treatment: a little milk pour into enameled dishes, bring to a boil and drain, and a white bloom that will remain on the saucepan, smear every half an hour affected skin. Treat plaques also sea buckthorn and linselas, hydrogen peroxide, cleanliness juice, fish oil, nasty garlic (3 teeth squeeze in a glass of hot water, insist hour). Watch the raw pink potatoes, wrap in gauze, apply for two hours to the patient. For the same, use and celery root.


Before swimming in the scored bath, add a brawl of a series, Hypericum, Valerian, Sage, Calendula, Celenela or Field Chewing. For its preparation, 3-4 spoons of grass pour a liter of boiling water and insist for at least four hours. Do not wipe after the procedure. Resort to the next tool: Melt the pack of cream oil and add 20 grams of propolis, mix with three capsules of vitamin A. I feed this ointment and keep it one and a half hours on a problem area. On weekends, sore sick places wet the cabbage brine and do not wash off the day or two.


Remember that you will achieve the greatest efficiency in the treatment of psoriasis by applying folk remedies only as an addition to traditional methods of therapy.

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