Why ovarian hurt

Why ovarian hurt

Stressful situations, supercooling, absence Caring for their own health lead to disappointing statistics - modern women are increasingly subjected to "female" diseases. The reason for the appeal K. doctor- Gynecologist becomes anxious bell - pain in the field of ovaries. In some cases, such a symptom is displaced and ne. Requires special medical treatment. In others, it becomes dangerous to health and even the life of a woman.

The inflammatory process in the ovaries of infectious origin is called anxitis. Called pathogenic microorganisms: ureptism, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, candida. Woman bother pain at the bottom Belly and in the field of ovaries.

Infectious inflammation of ovarian appendages is also accompanied by pain in the ovaries, is called in medicine ooforitis. Painful sensations of a wave-like character are given to the lower back and the crushes. Additional symptoms of the disease are weakness, irritability, sleep disorder.

Acute pain in the ovaries is accompanied by the growth of cysts. As the neoplascence increases, the intensity and duration of pain increases. When twisting the cyst and large size of the outflow, the blood supply to the tissues is disturbed, which leads to their dying and peritonitis of the abdominal cavity. This situation requires operational medical intervention.

Sharp sharp sudden pain in the right ovary can be a symptom of extremely heavy States - apoplexy or hemorrhage into the ovary. It is dangerous inflammation of the peritoneum. The pain extends to the spine and the lower limbs. The painful condition is accompanied by vomiting, the loss of consciousness is possible. Ambulance is needed.

Painfulness in the ovaries may be the result of the use of hormonal therapy for the treatment of infertility. In case of hyperstimulation of ovaries, the sizes of the organ may increase and small multiple neoplasms appear. In addition to pain in the field of ovaries, the disease is accompanied by a shortness of breath, the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, an unprecedented significant increase in weight and violation balance minerals.

Pain in the ovaries are ovulatory or menstrual. Such a symptom does not require treatment. During ovulation, the pain passes throughout the day after the exit of the egg from the ovary. Sometimes during ovulation, oscillations or minor bleeding are possible. Premenstrual and pain during menstruation is associated with hormonal imbalance. It is characterized by pulling long sensations in the field of ovaries and the bottom of the belly. If there are no other complaints, then the symptom is not dangerous. But find out the true cause of pain in the ovaries maybe Only medical examination.

During pregnancy, pain in the ovaries may occur, except those listed, as a result Hormonal perestroika and pressure on the organs growing uterus. Often pregnant women confuse pain in ovaries with intestinal discomfort. In any case, it is necessary to consult with doctor.

At first symptoms need to consult a doctor and pass surveys With pain in the ovaries effective The diagnostic method is an ultrasound procedure. Pain in the ovaries is not a disease, but may indicate serious Health problems requiring immediate intervention of medical personnel.

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