How hurts a gallbladder

How hurts a gallbladder

One of the first symptoms of the appearance of the inflammatory process in the body or manifestations of the pathological condition in any of its organs is pain. The emergence of problems in the bustling bubble also characterizes itself by the appearance of discomfort and specific painful sensations. What kind of pain gives a gall bubble about himself and the indicator of which disease is this symptom - we will look at our article.

The size of the gallbladder is insignificant - about a large human finger. It functions in tandem with the liver. The gallbladder accumulates in itself an oily tightweight substance - bile coming from the liver in a special flow and used by the body to dissolve food fats. Changing the composition of bile and any violations affecting the process of its movement in the body, for the body is fraught with the appearance of pain.


For the gallbladder, as well as for any other organ, are characterized by sharp and chronic inflammatory diseases. Disruption of biliary functions is called cholecystitis. For this disease, it is characterized by a novel pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium, which arises after a while after meals. Often pain irradiate in the blade, neck or shoulder of the right side. A provocateur appearance of pain serves fat, fried, acute and specific food. The man is sick, he is irritable, he is worried about the violation of the chair, dryness and bitterness appears in the mouth, there are frequent unpleasant belching.

Increased cholesterol levels and dehydration of bile leads to the formation of a gallbladder of accretions of various sizes in the cavity. When moving stones in the organ, pain occur, the intensity and the duration of which depends on the strength of the pushing and the size of the stone. Strong feeling of nausea, vomiting, constipation - symptoms of gallstone disease.

The inconsistency of the gallbladder and biliary tract leads to the functional imbalance of the whole organism. The disease is called a dyskinesia of a gallbladder, manifested by its increased or reduced activity. This disease is secondary, and the prerequisites for its appearance are a low-modular and improper lifestyle, dysfunction, pathology and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs. When diskinesia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium (district of the gallbladder), a person may have a tone of muscle tissues with signs of increasing the size of this digestive organ and palpation soreness. This condition is accompanied by briefs that are often repeated pariety pains in the right hypochondrium (with increased activity of the organ) or constant stupid, buttering pains with a feeling of cutting (under reduced (hypotonic) flow of this disease).

The malformations of the gallbladder (congenital changes in the structure of the organ) can not be made at all about themselves to know any sensations and are detected only in diagnosis, or exhibit themselves pronounced symptoms with pains of different intensity, duration and frequency.

The emergence of nonspecific pain symptoms in the region of the gallbladder always requires special attention and immediate adequate response from doctors. Immediately contact medical care if you feel:

  • acute unbearable pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increasing temperature, change in urine color and mucous membranes;
  • stitching, paroxy pain in the stomach, irradiating to the region of the right forearm;
  • long-continuous pain in the intestines;
  • a sharp pain in the gallbladder and stomach, accompanied by vomiting, rectal bleeding, dizziness, rapid pulse.

In order for your gallbladder to never remind himself with pains, watch your nutrition, its number and quality. Never be nervous and take care of your emotional state. Remember that your digestive system and the health of the whole organism depend on the work of this body.

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Pauline 10/09/2020 at 0:35.

I began to hurt in the right corner .. and the pains first were, and then by increasing (

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Yana 12/09/2020 at 13:31

Polina, go to the gastroenterologist, maybe it is cholecystitis, bile hurts. I just suffer from this disease and your symptoms are very similar. Main try to stick to the right nutrition. I still take a dress, the doctor recommended it to me, a rather effective drug. I ceased to hurt everything, there is no bitter in the morning. Do your health, do not start sores.

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