How to make a compress with camphor oil

How to make a compress with camphor oil

Camphor oil - plant origin, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. It has a warming, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Breastfeeding or pregnant women often have problems with the breast: badly run off the milk, the breast swells and begins to hurt badly. In such cases it is advisable to apply to the chest compresses camphor oil.

Heat the camphor oil to body temperature, so it was not hot, but pleasantly warm. Dip in oil bandage or piece of gauze, gently squeeze. Place the cheesecloth around the chest, put plastic wrap (suitable food).

Chest wrap up warm bandage, better feather scarf. By morning it will be softer, and milk will be easier to run off. Just be sure before feeding do not forget to wash the breast with warm water.

For colds - tonsillitis, otitis, bronchitis - also successfully applied compresses of camphor oil. Warm compresses camphor oils help stop the pain from bruises, bruises heal and restore the skin after healing.

In 0.5 liter of boiled water add two tablespoons of butter. Heat the water-oil solution to a warm state. Soak in a solution prepared in advance gauze, folded several times, and carefully press it. Apply the soaked cloth oil. Top - oilcloth and insulate bandage.

Such a change must compress every 10-15 minutes soaking gauze in the solution heat.

It is not necessary to use camphor oil to people who are allergic to any of the components of this tool. As well as the treatment of camphor oil can not be used in children under the age of two years.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 07.08.2019 at 14:07

I compresses never did. Usually at Bole in the throat using miramistin, drink tea with honey and gargle with powder Yodangin with eucalyptus sage and eucalyptus. After such rinsing the throat not sore and recover faster

Anna 07.10.2019 at 21:00

In addition to the main treatment, I tried to take the baths with Skipar. After them, the symptoms of arthritis are reduced.


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