What uses vaseline oil

What uses vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is one of the most popular skin care cosmetics components. It is often used dermatologists for the treatment of skin inflammation. Do you know what else use vaseline oil?

With the help of this drug, they put gas feed tubes with newborns to facilitate discomfort in the procedure. In addition, they lubricate the skin folds of kids, the armpits, the ears and ear sinks, wipe the neck. With him, make a massage for children of the first year of life.

Vaseline oil is better lubricated tools for cleaning the intestines.

Put enema

With these butter lubricate the back to the patient before putting banks during the treatment of bronchitis. But after the procedure, we surely wash the oil thoroughly, otherwise vaseline will block the oxygen access to the damaged skin, and it will dry, it will be hurt and root.

Lubricate weathered lips with vaseline oil. Heat the oil to the temperature of the human body, apply on your cotton swab, and wipe the cheeks and hands inflamed after frost, moisturize them the area around the eyes. Such procedures are particularly suitable for allergic and people with which ordinary cosmetics simply does not fit.

Such oil is a good antibacterial drug that is able to heal small wounds and cracks, additionally feeding the skin.

With the help of vaseline oil, the sequential hair tips are treated and smoking curly, disobedient curls. It is important to apply it only on wet hair, trusheys on the palms, otherwise the drug will not be distributed on the curls. The same procedure is suitable for brisk eyelashes and naughty eyebrows. It is important to thoroughly wash off the shampoo oil after use.

Vaseline oil is an effective remedy for the treatment of chronic constipation. Take it on 1 tablespoon a day 2 hours before meals, or 2 hours after, within 3-5 days, which facilitates the defecation. This oil helps and newborn. Give it one or two times sweat half a teaspoon before meals. It is not necessary to get involved in this means - this can cause hypovitaminosis, as well as cause addictive, weakening the intestinal walls and, as a result, a distillation of the peristalsis and new constipation. There are contraindications to the use of vaseline oil during constipation. Better consult with your doctor before starting treatment.

This oil will help and make pets to ease. In the morning, in front of food, give a cat or a dog to 5 cubes of oil from an ordinary medical syringe. This will help soften Call, and cats also will also withdraw the remains of the gastrointestinal tact after licking.

Be sure to buy this universal tool for your home aid kit and be healthy!

Comments leave a comment
anfisa 10/07/2018 at 11:22.

With constipation, it really helps to cope with a bang ... The truth is very nasty, it is impossible to drink it. Especially kids give. I have a five year old son flatly refused when such a problem faced. As a result, the constipation was getting rid of the composition of the norm and a mixture of dried fruits .... so that the method is good, but suits, alas, not everyone)


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