Thyme oil how to use

Thyme oil how to use

Thyme is one of the most specific plants whose chemotype can vary significantly depending on the climatic latitudes and the collection time. Therefore, oil extracted from it may also differ in its composition in toxicity and therapeutic properties. One oil can perform the antiseptic function, another, on the contrary, will be an irritant. We learn more about how to use the tool correctly.

In what cases use thyme oil

Tyme oil is intended to eliminate many ages, and is also widely used in cosmetology. The main tasks with which the tool is cope with:

  • Provides a healthy dream, fights insomnia and produces a relaxing effect.
  • Stimulates the work of the brain and improves memory.
  • It is an antidepressant, derives from the state of depression, contributes to raising the mood.
  • Normalizes the nervous system.
  • Increases blood pressure, improving blood microcirculation.
  • Treats viral and colds.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, strengthens appetite.
  • Removes inflammation of the urogenital system, helps to restore the body after sexually transmitted diseases.
  • It has a healing effect in injuries, wounds.
  • Fights with fungal and vascular diseases.
  • Ensures many parasites, such as lice, scales, gloves.

Timyan oil treatment

Timyan oil is used in various forms in the treatment of certain ailments. Consider the most popular.


To purify air from indoor infections, the prevention of viral diseases Couples five drops of thyme oil with three drops of eucalyptus and a pair of carnation drops. Place the liquid in the aromolampu and get the healing effect. Such treatment is relevant in diseases of the respiratory system, laryngitis, tracheitis and rhinitis.


Those who wish to bring in shape their weight will help cold inhalations before making food. Drip one drop of thyme oil on the napkin and raise a few minutes. This will significantly reduce appetite and downgrade to food. Perform this procedure every day and notice how weight will imperceptibly decrease.


With a sense of depression, a decrease in appetite and poor well-being, the ideal option will be the adoption of fragrant baths with Timyan oil. Dial a full drop of water and drop five drops of oil. It can be diluted with cream or supplement Romashkovy Nasty.


Microclisms are effective in the presence of helminthosis, that is, the presence of various parasites in the human body. Take the floor of a teaspoon of soda or honey and dissolve four drops of thyme oil in them. Add a glass of boiled water temperature to the mixture, and the solution for the enema is ready. Move microclism at least two times a week, in addition to conventional cleansing enema.

Reception inside

Take inside the oil of thyme, if you have cough, lungs, insomnia, anemia or rheumatism. Mix a drop of a product with three drops of olive or vegetable oil. From this mixture you will need only a drop, because Timyan oil is a concentrate. Mix it with honey or jam. Using like sauce with meat or fish second dish three times a day. Put a lot of milk, water or juice. It is not recommended to take an empty stomach oil.


To make a absorbing tablet, take one piece of activated carbon and drop on it a couple of thyme oil drops. To enhance the effect, add a couple of drops of chasub oil. Put the tablet under the tongue and keep to complete absorption. This method is convenient for the treatment of the throat.

Use in cosmetology

Cosmetologists most often use thyme oil for hair recovery, face skin and combating cellulite. These uncomplicated procedures can be easily fulfilled at home.

To strengthen hair

For greasy hair owners, this procedure will be quite by the way, since the thyme additionally degreases the roots of the hair. Dilute in the tablespoon of the base oil three - five drops of thyme oil and five drops of this mixture add to your rinse. Or just twice a day thoroughly rub the mixture in the roots of the hair, as well as drip a couple of drops on the scallop when combing. The course is withstanding at least two weeks.

To eliminate acne

Mix thyme oil with jojoba oil, lavender, rosemary, tea tree and neroli. Use each oil about five drops. This composition rub into problem areas of the skin two times a day before the appearance of signs of improvement.

Given all the features of the means, it can be concluded that thyme oil is quite useful and versatile product. But the owners of sensitive skin need to use the drug with extreme caution.

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