Bergamota oil: properties

Bergamota oil: properties

Bergamot increased as a result of crossing Pomerana and Orange. Belongs to the family of the rut and the genus of citrus. The habitat is the moderate climate of the ionic coast of the Italian province of Calabria. The whimsical plant is also grown in Argentina, Brazil and the US state of Georgia, where the composition of the soil and temperature regime are most favorable. The inedible fruits of evergreen wood are used mainly for the manufacture of oil, which has a number of valuable properties.


Bergamot fruit refusation is widely used in traditional and alternative medicine. The oil has bactericidal properties that priority for the manufacture of cosmetic skin care products: tonic and lotions for removing irritation and elimination of redness on the skin, as well as acne treatment agents. Antiseptic properties have a beneficial effect on the urinary and respiratory system.

Super Prin Bergamot Oil Application

Bergamot Butter in Medicine

In medicine, Bergamot oil is used to treat skin diseases and for therapeutic purposes. In particular for treatment:

  • burns;
  • processing body sections after insect bite;
  • eczema;
  • pressure normalization;
  • vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  • upper respiratory tract;
  • colds;
  • fungal diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • inflammatory processes and elevated body temperature;
  • non-stomach and treatment of the digestive tract;
  • painful syndrome;
  • varicose ulcers;
  • accumulations of gases in the stomach;
  • prevention of intestinal parasites;
  • eliminating the symptomatic manifestation of cystite and urethritis.

Bergamot oil stimulates immunity and increases the body's resistance to malicious virus diseases. Successfully applied in neurology for treating depression: removes the nervous stress, a feeling of anxiety and fear, irritation, eliminates the feeling of hopelessness and tension. Promotes balanced mood, the enlightenment of the mind and common sense.

Bergamota oil in cosmetology

Bergamota oil has proven itself in cosmetology as a toning, narrowing pores. Studies of scientists have proven that this tool reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the skin and returns former freshness. With regular use as an additive to maintenance facilities, it helps to align the color of the face of the face, getting rid of acne and acne. Effectively and quickly copes with herpes.

Bergamy oil is actively used to care hair. You can add to the main formulations or prepare a special restoring mask. As a result, the hair acquire a healthy shine, strengthen in the roots zone, literacy and susceptibility to external stimuli. The touch becomes soft and elastic. Acquire a pleasant fragrance.

How to use Bergamota

Bergamot oil is not divided into categories "for outdoor use" and for "internal use", it is added in certain proportions to the main composition:

  1. It is enough to add 3-5 drops on 30 ml to your favorite face cream or a face tonic.
  2. Therapeutic cosmetic products - 5-10 drops of 30-35 ml of the base;
  3. For massage, it is enough to add 4-5 drops to the estimated amount of the product on the session (on average it is 1/3 part of the palm);
  4. A bath with a duration of no more than 15 minutes - 3 drops on half of the water filled with water.
  5. Aromatherapy - 5 drops on water in the aroma lamp.
  6. For cold and hot inhalations - 1-2 drops.
  7. For treatment - according to the recommendations of the doctor.

Bergamot oil can be used to prevent the disease and aromatherapy. If we are talking about treating any diseases - it is necessary to contact the doctor for providing information on the dosage and the absence of contraindications of the individual characteristics of the body.

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