Ivan Tea: properties and contraindications

Ivan Tea: properties and contraindications

They would know the British how many Russian people drink tea, they would be surprised ... From a long time, we brew it on various herbs. But the main material for its preparation still serves her grass called Ivan Tea (or Cyprus). Unfortunately, many have already managed to adapt how many useful elements it contains a folk remedy, and what taste takes tea.

More about the plant Ivan Tea

Cypete is a perennial plant, which height can reach whole and a half meters. Its flowers have the most diverse shade - from a purulent red to white. Ivan tea has a sufficiently thick root system with a large number of shoots. Basically, the plant blooms from July until August. Cyprus grows in the most common circumstances. It can be found on dried peat or sandy lands, near the roads and forests, in addition near the rivers and lakes. The plant grow up as weeds at our country sites. In Russia, there are as many as 17 varieties Ivan Tea.

Features Cypria

Ivan tea or Cyprus is not the only "statuses" of the plant. For a long time, a name is attributed to each of its property, which then becomes his name. So, for example, for the fact that Cypete can cause drowsiness, he was adjusted by the plant "Dream". When pulling out from the ground, the stem makes not very pleasant creak, for which he was nusted with a "wicker". The "down jacket" plant was due to the fact that during flowering it highlights a rich amount of the fluff, which pillows their pillows and blankets. In order to enumerate all the names donated to this wonderful plant, it will take a lot of time. Ivan Tea is a treasury of one of the most beneficial properties for our health.

As in the case with a variety of names, Ivan tea is used in all sorts of philistine life, thanks to its healing properties:

  • Cypete is used: prepare soups, salads, add to flour.
  • Use for treatment during a spring lack of vitamins, as the plant has a huge amount of vitamin C.
  • The plant eliminates overwork, concern and reduces stress.
  • He finds out our dream.
  • Helps in diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is a medicine with prostate adenoma.
  • Plants accelerates metabolism in the body.
  • It is used with headaches and many other things.

Application Ivan Tea

Basically used in the form of decoctions and infusions. Cooking the beam:

  1. Fill dry Ivan tea in the amount of 15 grams of glass of boiling water;
  2. We bring to the boil and cook for 15 minutes;
  3. Insist the decoction of 1-1.5 hours;
  4. Fix.
  5. Apply 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

How to cook infusion:

  1. 1 tablespoon of dried Ivan tea flood 1 cup boiling water.
  2. Insist about 12-15 minutes.
  3. Fix.
  4. We use inside half a glass and twice a day before morning and evening food.
  5. The course of use is 1 month. Pause between courses - 1-1.5 months.

Little children from six to eight years are recommended no more than 1 tbsp. l. twice a day. From 8-14 years, the reception can be increased by 50 ml.


Ivan tea takes inside is not recommended for children under 6 years old. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, before starting the course of use, Ivan Tea must consult with the doctor. When using Cypria more than need, problems with liver, intestine and stomach can be found. With extreme caution, Ivan Tea need to be taken to people who have problems with thrombosis and blood coagulation.

Ivan tea or Cyprus, despite all its numerous useful properties and with the possibilities of its use, requires considerable attentiveness. Any folk remedy is not unconditionally harmless, and in total there are its norms and contraindications.

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