Clover from cholesterol

Clover from cholesterol

No one is a secret, which important role is played by the level of cholesterol in the human life support system. With its increase, a great health risk is created, so it is worth thinking about it in advance, from young age. After all, cholesterol is an essential lipid, which serves for the structure of the basic cells of the body. It is also important to understand how to deal with its high dynamics, and what funds exist for this. Let's look at what the traditional medicine advises on this occasion, and how the flowers of an ordinary clover help to cope with this ailment.

"The clover helps from elevated cholesterol in blood," our grandmothers spoke about it. In fact, it possesses miraculous properties: for the shortest time it turns cholesterol molecules into folic acids to further eliminate them from the body. This beautiful pinkish plant blooms in the period from June and before the beginning of autumn. It dwells mainly on the meadows, fields, loves a flat surface. Therefore, connoisseurs of nature and healing herbs are recommended to be clover in the summer season. It is necessary to cut it carefully, leaving shoots for a new growth. After all, it is not found in some countries (for example, Ukraine) he is listed in the Red Book.

Clover is effectively used in folk medicine. It helps to cope not only "with bad cholesterol", but has other properties. Plant is used:

  • As an painful agent;
  • As expectorant;
  • As a diuretic;
  • Removes the inflammatory process and heals the wounds;
  • It is used in the practice of the organism rejuvenation (removes toxins, restores immunity and so on).

So, if you have discovered a problem with cholesterol, and it does not require an urgent drug solution, try taking a decoction from clover. The course of treatment in this case should be at least 1 month, after six months it is repeated. A complete set of recovery measures with clover can be up to 4 months.

For the preparation of therapeutic tincture you need:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of clover;
  2. Pour it with a glass of warm water;
  3. Heat on a water bath for 15 minutes;
  4. Stretch infusion and give it to cool.

Take this medicine should be eating 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons. Also, the decoction can be "mixed" by other herbs, such as chamomile, a series, hawthorn. The dispersion will help not only cope with the "bad cholesterol", but also to clean the vessels. Take such a decoction follows no more than two months. If you have noticed that the state is improving, try to "maintain" periodic courses of such therapy.

Of course, one clover is unable to cope with the problem of cholesterol. In addition to the healing beam, you must change your lifestyle: create mode and proper nutrition. Refuse (at least for a time) from fat, roasted, salty and acute. This will significantly speed up the recovery process. And remember that this path is not fast, the blood formula is restored for at least six months.

Be careful in your decisions. Let's think about everything and, if necessary, contact your experts for advice.

Red clover is not recommended for:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Acute diarrhea and barking of nausea;
  • Overweight;
  • Hypertension and acute heart failure;
  • Bad blood clotting.

In fact, the list of contraindications compared to other herbs is insignificant, but if you doubt, it is better to consult with your doctor.

So, now you are familiar with the healing properties of the clover, which normalizes the fat balance in the body and actively strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increasing their strength and elasticity. Using the decoction of this plant as additional therapy, you will forget about the problem with cholesterol.

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Diana 10/10/2019 at 11:27

The first time I hear about it, but it is generally interesting, of course. I myself reduced the cholesterol with a more proven tool-atheroclefit Bio accepted (I ordered a shop. Evallar, it is much more convenient). People, I still do not really trust)) In mandatory, the diets of hypocholecystrine began to adhere to. All this helped in order analyzes lead))

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