How to downgrade cholesterol

How to downgrade cholesterol

Cholesterol is an organic compound present in the body of each person. Among the types of cholesterol there is a "good" and "bad", the difference is determined by the density density - high, low and very low. Human health depends on the ratio of the level of content of various types of cholesterol in the body.

Cholesterol has two origins: produced by the body (serum) and enters it with food (food). There should be no more than 300 mg of cholesterol in the daily diet. Food cholesterol is contained mainly in animal products. Explore the cholesterol content table in food.

Cholesterol content in food

In accordance with the data of the table, make changes to the diet:

  • replace products that contain saturated fats, pasta, croups, dried beans, peas, various varieties of bread;
  • diverse the diet with a large number of vegetables and fruits so that more vitamins and mineral substances come to the body;
  • eat more nuts, it is allowed that their volume gives up to 20% of the entire calorie content of the diet;
  • give preference to low-fat poultry meat or beef (140-170 g per day), removing visible fat, avoid consuming sausages, sausages;
  • do not eat more than 2 eggs per week;
  • arrange fishing days at least twice a week;
  • dairy products - low-fat or skim, eliminate kefir, ice cream, yoke, butter;
  • use vegetable oils, best - olive;
  • prepare stewed dishes, boiled, but not fried;
  • limit salt intake;
  • refuse to eat coffee in favor of green tea, drink at least 200 g of fresh juices daily;
  • particularly useful products with elevated cholesterol: legumes, oats, corn, onions, fresh carrots, broccoli, garlic, seed psyllium, garlic, spirulina, barley, activated carbon.

Juices against cholesterol

The best physical exercise that prevents the occurrence of cholesterol plaques is running. During running, a large amount of fat obtained with food products is consumed, respectively, it does not settle on the walls of the vessels. If health status does not allow to apply such loads, then long-term walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, physical work in the country, dancing are acceptable. Listen to relaxing music that promotes the relaxation of the entire body, raising the mood, which in turn accelerates the process of reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.

The destructive habits play bad and role in the accumulation of cholesterol, so the early refusal of them is an important task of a person. During smoking, many carcinogenic substances fall into the body, which contribute to the development of cancer, weaken all organism systems weaken - give up smoking. The use of alcohol is allowed in moderate doses (strong - no more than 50 g, a low-alcoholic drink - up to 200 g per day).

Folk medicine offers many recipes that contribute to the purification of vessels, for example:

  • Grind and mix 1 tbsp. l. Valerian root, half a cup of dill seeds and a glass of honey. Add 1 liter of boiling water. After a day, place it in the refrigerator and take half an hour before meals 1 tbsp.
  • 10 cloves of garlic shredded in the garbber, pour 2 glasses of olive oil. After a week garlic oil use for refueling dishes.
  • 400 g of chopped garlic Fill 250 g of vodka. After 10 days, start receiving with 2 drops, for a week increase the dose of up to 20 drops. Take me to eat 3 times a day. This tincture can be milk. End the course is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of up to 2 drops.

Menu against cholesterol

Do not use strict diets to quickly achieve the result, because They lead to loss of substances important to the body, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. Many folk methods can adversely affect the general condition, cause allergies.

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Manya 05/15/2018 at 17:21

The husband had elevated cholesterol ... fat exchange was violated, as a result and overweight, and dizziness, cholesterol + Libido decrease against the background of all this. It helped only the right nutrition and effects of the triumulus. I think that this is valid all the aggregate. Without a healthy lifestyle in any case, they will not leave. Now everything is already normal, but to play sports and it is already in our habit that is very pleased))

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