What is steroids

What is steroids

Steroids have a different origin: natural (animal, vegetable) and artificial. Used in medicine and in sports.

The classification of steroids is built on the basis of their structure and origin:

  • sterols are steroid alcohols, which include cholesterol, ergosterin, stigmasterine;
  • steroid hormones;
  • bile acids are formed in the liver when cholesterol processing, they provide digestion of lipids;
  • alkaloids, heart glycosides, saponins, etc.

Steroid hormones are able to cause genetic changes in the cell. Due to this, they regulate the metabolism, the functions of the growth and reproduction of the organism of animals and humans. Steroid hormones have natural origins, their synthesis comes from cholesterol. Steroid hormones include cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, calcitriol, aldosterone, estradiol.

Among the athletes and physicians steroids are called synthetic hormones. Steroids are derivatives from steroid hormones. They are created artificially, but have the most close to the natural structure. Over the base of steroids take one of the steroid hormones and make changes to the structure of its molecule. More detailed name - anabolic androgenic steroids. Their main purpose is to accelerate the processes associated with the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler, for example, nucleic acids, with which the accumulation of energy is associated.

Steroids have a great influence on the body, so they are used in medicine to restore the body after severe diseases and in sports as doping to:

  • increase appetite;
  • accelerate the regeneration of the body;
  • contribute to an increase in body weight, due to which there is a decrease in the level of fatty deposits relative to the total weight of the body;
  • calcium and phosphorus are better accumulated in the bones and teeth;
  • increase efficiency and endurance;
  • the filler of blood vessels is improved and brain activity;
  • the feeling of fear is reduced, self-confidence and communicative abilities increase.

Steroids are prohibited for use in sports competitions and in the process of preparation for them, they are often used in bodybuilding by increasing the construction abilities of the body. In addition to the positive effect, the use of steroids leads to undesirable consequences, for example:

  • the occurrence of acne
  • increased irritability and frequent mood swings, depression;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis by increasing cholesterol;
  • negative impact on the liver, myocardium;
  • impotence, decrease in sperm production, infertility, testicular atrophy;
  • accumulation of excess fluid;
  • increasing the chest glands in men, etc.

Side effects are manifested if the dosage dosage is disruption. If you do not allow abuse, you can turn negative consequences. Before starting the course, consult your doctor and carefully examine the instructions.

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