Rash on the neck in an adult what to do

Rash on the neck in an adult what to do

The rash appeared on the neck causes discomfort and a concern for concern. But it is not always caused by any diseases. Often rashes are a sign of an allergic reaction. In this article, we will consider the causes of the rash and how to treat it.

Why rash arises on the neck

In order to solve the problem correctly, it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance and take appropriate measures. Consider the main causes of rash:

  1. Bad hygiene. It is important to clean the skin regularly from sweat, sludge and dirt. Many people in a hurry forget to thoroughly rub the neck, which leads to its clogging and the appearance of allergies.
  2. Diseases of internal organs. In many cases, a rash appears on the skin due to the branches of the body. Once every six months spend its complex cleaning. You are not only getting rid of the rash, but also become much better. Also, the cause of the rash can be disease internal organs.
  3. Weed immunity. Against the background of poor-quality food, poor sleep and overvoltage, an acute deficit of the beneficial substances occurs, which is manifested in the form of allergic reactions.
  4. Hormonal restructuring. Conduct hormonal restructuring can a variety of reasons - climate change, frequent depression, transitional periods.
  5. Allergy. It may appear as a result of contact with allergens - from washing powders to synthetic tissue.
  6. Infectious diseases. Often accompanied by pain in the field of rash, deterioration of well-being, the occurrence of chills, cough, increasing temperature.
  7. Other reasons. Break can be parasitic, viral, bacterial, fungal, etc.

Elimination of Contact with Allergen

In most cases, rash on the neck is a consequence of allergies, so it is important to minimize contacts with the allergen allergen. If it is difficult for you to independently determine it, spend the test for allergies. To do this, before using a means (paint, spirits, cream, powder, etc.), apply it to the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend. Thus, you can check which one of the allergens played a bad joke with you. Please note that rash could appear as a result of wearing synthetic clothing. Some parts of clothes and jewels can rub the neck, which can also lead to the appearance of rash.

Treatment rash on the neck

If the rash is a consequence of allergies, you can eliminate it yourself. To do this, follow simple recommendations.

Swipe vitamin therapy

The rash could provoke a shortage of one of the important vitamins. Moreover, the lack of important substances may pour into serious diseases. Therefore, once in six months, try to eat vitamin and mineral complexes - the body will answer it with excellent well-being, health and energy. It is also important to clean the body regularly (at least once a year).

Watch your hygiene

Every evening rinse the body and carefully handle the wash to the wash all of its plots. After the bath, apply a moisturizing cream on your face and neck.

Use traditional medicine to eliminate

You will need a decoction of chamomile or sage. 1 tbsp. l. Dry raw materials pour into a glass and fill it with boiling water. When the infusion cools, strain it. Now the remedy can be used as a compress for affected parts of the body. Take clean cotton discs, moisten them into the infusion and wipe the rash well. This procedure can be performed several times a day. Instead of infusion you can use aloe juice.

Medicia treatment

If the rash does not pass long, contact the dermatologist. The doctor may appoint additional surveys. Perhaps the problem was caused by diseases of internal organs, penetration of infection or bacteria. In this case, it will take comprehensive treatment using special procedures, drugs and anti-inflammatory funds.

Successful treatment of rash is directly related to the elimination of a problem that provoked it. Therefore, an important task is to determine the true cause of the rash. It is on this that further treatment is based. The above recommendations will help you adjust your lifestyle and take measures that will eliminate the problem forever.

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