Sore neck what to do

Sore neck what to do

The spinal cord surrounds seven cervical vertebrae, forming its own - spinal channel. Among the vertebrae are discs, near the nervous connections pass. The cervical structure includes a unified system: muscles, lymph nodes, thyroid glands, trachea, esophagus, artery, larynx and veins. Violation of work in one of the components of such a system can cause pain in the neck.

It will not be possible to determine the localization of pain yourself, so contact a specialist if the situation deteriorates and preventive preventive methods to no avail. If funds Allow, visit the private doctor, perhaps on the recommendations of acquaintances. You do not have to stand in line and plaintively ask for help, in contrast to state employees.

Most common The cause of pain is osteochondrosis, which every year younger. Young victims are obliged to their pain in the wrong nutrition and a completely unhealthy lifestyle. First of all, you need to remove pain syndrome, in order to further appreciate the situation and take action. Most effective painful drugs - Noscha, Nooofen., Ketanov.

If U B. aC hurts and does not rotate the neck, the temperature rises, it may be signs lymphadenitis- a serious complication of the launched inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, you need to go through a full-fledged examination and, if the diagnosis confirm, treatment course, which includes: systematic reception Antibiotics (carefully selected to save microflora), UHF procedures and course of vitamin therapy.

If neck pain is not related to serious Diseases, then relax sessions will help. Type in bathroom warm water, add sea salt and aromatic oil (better lavender) and relax. After some time, take the shower hose, install a powerful pressure and right hand directed shower per shoulders, massaging pain areas.

After water procedures lie in warm Bed and add the effect by manual procedures, simply putting the massage. Ask a close person to mild movements to massage the pain of the neck, after which rubbing the warming liquid, for example, Menovazin or ointment Apizartron (based on bee poison), seek warm Scarf and plunge into a full sleep.

V quality easyBut the effective workout is cutting the tip of the nose "in the air" a number of numbers from 0 to 9. Movement is soft, unhurried, repeat over day 2 4 times, but no more. The main thing is the low amplitude of movements and the completed tune series. If you are easy to raise your hands behind the neck, then try the pads of the palm to press on the hearth pain, keeping a few seconds, and then gently let go. Repeat the exercise 2 3 times, it will help to remove muscle tension.

For Prevention:

  • sitting on the chair, keep your back smoothly, and the head as if the second chin is hiding - the head is flat, the shoulders are omitted;
  • rush painproof rosemary or olive oil;
  • get out herbal decoctions - Cora Willow can take inflammation, and Valerian - pain caused by muscle spasm;
  • in the daily diet, enter fatty fish (not in the sense of fattyly prepared, and according to biological composition) or fish fat in gelatin capsules, as well as add a tablespoon of linseed oil into food;
  • bring a healthy lifestyle - perform a warm-up daily, spend hardening the body and use useful food.

Remember that constant stress is the soil for all diseases that can grow into more serious complications.

Comments leave a comment
Paul 14/08/2018 at 15:32

Thanks for the useful tips, too, here from sedentary work neck to whine began.

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Mila 08/15/2018 at 14:14

Oh, familiar problem. I was very old after the Glucosamine rate is maximum, there is chondroitin and glucosamine, which helps to support the youth and health of the joints, may help you.

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Svetlana D. 07.10.2018 at 13:18

Sustalayf helps me, but I have pain caused by osteochondrosis, because for a long time trying to deal with this pain. Massages - magnetotherapy - physiotherapy. Even in the mud at the resort went. So it is necessary to treat it comprehensively

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Inga 07/12/2019 at 8:35 am

Firstly, all the same, you need to go to the doctor ... But we live in the outback, there are no good here. Therefore, I just became Honda Fort Evalar to accept, the benefit that it is adequate. Additionally, she asked her husband's massage to do ... it really helped! It became much easier. So, if someone in the same situation ... I highly recommend))

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