Carnation oil: Properties

Carnation oil: Properties

The clove tree (Sizigium) grows in the tropics, namely on the Philippine Islands in Malaysia. It belongs to the family of myrtov. To obtain one liter of fragrant essential oil, about 8 kilograms of unscrewed cloves of the clove or 14 kilograms of fruits are required. The greatest number of healing components is in cloves obtained from the kidney of a tree. Next, let's talk about the use and useful characteristics of this essential oil.

Which components are part of the cloves

The main component of the product is eugenol, which has a property to prevent the development of thromboms. Its in the healing oil is almost 86%. The substance has a bright, pronounced aroma of carnations. Even in therapeutic drug, carofillen, acetylevgenol, vanillin, combustible sesquiterpene bicycles, etc.

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Carnation oil properties

By type, the consistency is transparent, has a yellowish tint, lightweight, fluid. If you bought a high-quality product, then feel a pleasant fruit flavor with a specific sharp taste, with a fruitful, sharp smell of freshly-covered wood and sweet notes vanilla. The fake has a completely different fragrance: the oil from shoots has a sharp smell of fresh spicy tree Sizigium, and from the leaves - a light shrimp of a burning tree with a bitter taste. Elected-quality oil does not have the same healing actions as the original. Now details about the properties of the product.

  1. Well suited for the prevention and cure of viral, colds. The effect of natural hell in this plan can be compared unless with the best antsyptics from the needles. Due to various procedures with the use of cloves, you can overcome infectious intestinal disorders.
  2. Due to pronounced anti-inflammatory and painkillers, carnation oil is used in dentistry to cure periodontal disease, pulpitis, restore damaged tissues.
  3. Panacea has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, restores the forces, improves the memory, eliminates dizziness, copes with pain in arthritis, arthritis, normalizes pressure.
  4. The unique properties of pharmaceutical gear are manifested in the treatment of female pathologies: infertility, scarce or long periods. Also, the oil stimulates childbirth, rejuvenates.
  5. Inhaling a unique fragrance, you can get rid of problems in the emotional sphere. Fix his weakened aura, strengthen the nerves, to acquire forces in the fight against negative opinions from the outside, cure a psychosomatic trembling.
  6. Previously, it was believed that the oil from the carnation attracts wealth, it has the property of the magic talisman. Favors personal development. Gives the identity of confidence. Enhances the attraction.

Contraindications for the use of carnation oil

Be careful with this concentrated composition, the carnation oil is aphrodisiac.

  1. Use it strictly according to the specified dosages. Do not use it in large quantities, otherwise you can get a burn.
  2. During pregnancy, this oil is prohibited due to the possibility of miscarriage.
  3. Refuse him with nervous excitability.
  4. Before use, be sure to check if you are allergic to such a drug.
  5. Sick hypertension is better to limit the use of carnation oil.
  6. If you consume the product inward, then more than three drops on a day can not be drunk. It is still required to breed it with honey, jam, olive oil or drop on bread.
  7. In the event of the appearance of the heartburn, send oil with kefir, yogurt, do not drink its empty stomach.

Know that applying the composition on the skin, you will feel the feeling of light burning, which will be held in two or three minutes.

Recommended carnation oil dosages

Let's consider in all details what dosages should be for the external and internal use of ethereal:

  • for massage procedures, dig four drops of cloves with 10 ml of ordinary vegetable oil;
  • for aromatherapy, drip on the lamp 1 or 4 drops of oily fluid on 15 squares of the room, aromatherapists advise to start with one and gradually bring yes four drops;
  • for the treatment of periodontal, dissolve in 15 mg of the base oil of 6 drops of aromatic;
  • for open wounds, prepare a solution of 0.1 liters of water and 30 droplets of the ethereine;
  • for internal reception, take a teaspoon of jam or honey and one drop of oil;
  • for anesthetics, take on the side of the ONO, two drops of oil on a piece of bread.

In addition to all the above properties, cloves are used in everyday life for the destruction of harmful insects: mosquitoes and moths. And yet, it can be mixed with other aromamaslas, receiving excellent masks for the treatment of hair and skin of the face.

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