Lopeh - Medical Properties

Lopeh - Medical Properties

Burning big is not a rare plant, everyone saw him looks. The grandfather, so before he was called the people, not whimsical, grows in the forest, on the field, near the river, on wasteland. In childhood, throwing a leaf of the buried, putting on his head, the kids protected from the roast sun. If they were hurt, then a piece of leaf leaf (like plantain) was applied to the wound. For the treatment of different diseases, not only the leaves of this plant, and the root, fruit-seed, inflorescences are used.

To treat the ailments, the tops and leaves should be collected during the period of flowering, roots or in spring, before the appearance of leaves, or in the fall. The burden includes vitamins (A, B, C, E, P), protein, valuable acids, tannic substances, bardan oil, inulin (good tool from diabetes).

Burning great successfully copes with liver diseases, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys. It is used to treat wounds, it improves the metabolism, restores the living hair strength, purifies blood, has an excellent diuretic and coating property. Scientists have confirmed the fact that the burdock gives a positive trend in the treatment of some oncological diseases. In addition, the grandfather is a great remedy for burns and well helps at the first signs of a cold.

Tea from the roots of burdock is a good panacea with violations of the liver, gallbladder. To prepare it, we take two teaspoons of the shedding roots, pour 0.5 l of water indoor temperature. For half a day, we leave, then boil and filter. Use three times a day for 1 cup.

A decoction made from 20 g of inflorescences and leaves of the reurenik will save from rheumatism and gout. We place this amount (20 g) of the medicinal plant in 200 g of water, boil no more than five minutes. When it is cool, we make a bandage or gauze in tea, apply to the sore joint.

If you take fresh leaves of the plant and roots, grind and cook in water, then rub it in butter creamy, then such an ointment heals burns, frostbite and treats baldness, skin diseases.

Treat hair loss

The juice from the burdock is recommended to use with a sick hepatitis, with a violation of metabolism, for cleaning the body. One tablespoon to drink before eating. Weekly eat, week - no. And so do, until you drink one liter of therapeutic drug.

For the prevention of colds and their treatment, herbalists advise the May buckle (leaves) to mix with honey 1: 1. Drink three times a day. Good tool from cough. In pharmacies, the "oil oil" is sold, it is mostly used for hair growth, they are also popular now. preparations of roots of burdock in capsulesYou can buy in online stores or make an order by phone +7 (931) 229-13-75. Delivery across the Russian Federation by Russian Post.

Lophch-big in capsules1

If you comply with all the recommendations exactly on the items, the treatment will be effective. Only every medicine has contraindications. The burdock should not be used by pregnant women, nursing. Those who have the individual intolerance to this plant, to drink the shedding can not.

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