Linden color is one of the most popular and affordable folk medicine. Healing tea, tincture, decoctions are made from it, and the lime honey is very appreciated. But before using inflorescences for the purpose of treatment, it should be carefully familiar with their homeopathic properties, since, in addition to a long row of recommendations, they have some contraindications and can aggravate the course of another disease. In what cases can be used a lipa, and when you do not need to do this - read on.
Useful substances in linden colors
Lime inflorescences are unique in that they contain polysaccharides, saturated with damasit acids, flavon glycosides, talicin glycoside, tanish substances, as well as essential oil, rich in vitamin C, carotene and farnezol. These trace elements and substances are successfully used both in therapeutic procedures and in cosmetology. For therapeutic purposes, the color of all species of these trees growing in Europe is suitable. This is a European Lipa (Tilia X Europaea), mellite (T. Cordata) and large-scale (T. Platyphylos).
Pharmacological properties of lime color
The scope of the application of the lime color, both in the folk and in traditional medicine, is very wide. Nowadays, pharmaceutical factories produce many medical drugs based on it.
Linden flowers have the following properties:
- anesthetic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- anticonvulsant;
- potting;
- diuretic;
- bactericidal.
Thanks to this leip, it is recommended to use in the form of decoctions and tinctures with colds, sores, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis). It is very effective at frequent fainting and for removing headaches. Lime color is able to strengthen the secretion of gastric juice, increase the formation of bile and facilitate its admission to the duodenum.
Contraindications for the use of linden
Contraindications for use in lime color are not so much, however, it is necessary to know about them, proceeding with the use of drugs based on it. It is not recommended to continuously use linden tea or decoction to people with heart diseases for a long time, as it can have an exciting effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Very careful in use should be allergic people and do not apply drugs without prior testing.
How and when to prepare a lime color
Linden bloom is somewhere at the end of June - the beginning of July and lasts about two weeks. Flowers are better to harvest at the beginning of flowering, when at least a third of the inflorescences have not yet blocked. It is recommended to collect only in hot weather and in the daytime so that there is no dew, as the collected even slightly wet raw material is poorly stored and quickly darkens. It is advisable to tear flowers with bracts, trying not to damage the leaves. It is impossible to dry under direct sunny rays in any case, as Lipa will lose half of its useful properties. It is necessary to do this in a half-tree under a canopy or in a attic that is well ventilated. You can use a special dryer, configuring a temperature of 40-50 degrees. After drying the flowers you need to go through, removing dark and pitched.
Before using the lime color in the treatment, it is necessary to consult with the doctor so that the healing agents prepared on its basis brought the body maximum benefit, and not harm.